153 |
Buddy Bear "The Dancer" |
99 |
Ursus maritimus |
97 |
Bears standing on rear legs |
82 |
Ursus thibetanus in zoos |
54 |
Swimming polar bears |
44 |
Knut (polar bear) in 2007 |
43 |
Ursus maritimus (juvenile) |
42 |
Dancing bears |
41 |
Ursus arctos (juvenile) |
40 |
People with bears |
37 |
Bears in snow |
37 |
Ursus arctos fishing |
36 |
Bear guiding (rite) in Russia |
30 |
Ursidae |
29 |
Ursus maritimus heads |
28 |
Ursus maritimus at the San Diego Zoo |
28 |
Ursus maritimus in zoos |
28 |
Ursus thibetanus |
27 |
Ursus americanus (juvenile) |
27 |
Ursus arctos arctos in Polar Zoo |
25 |
Bears in water |
24 |
Polar bears eating their kill |
24 |
Ursidae (juvenile) |
23 |
Ursus maritimus in Philadelphia Zoo |
22 |
Bear comedy in Russia |
22 |
Behavioral enrichment |
22 |
Ursus arctos arctos in captivity (juvenile) |
21 |
Bao Bao |
21 |
Buddy Bears in Berlin-Mitte |
21 |
Ursus maritimus in captivity |
20 |
Ursus maritimus in the Bronx Zoo |
19 |
Knut (polar bear) |
19 |
North Pole |
19 |
Ursus arctos of Katmai National Park |
19 |
Videos of Ursus maritimus |
18 |
Buddy Bears in Berlin-Charlottenburg |
17 |
Ursus (genus) |
16 |
Buddy Bears in Berlin-Tiergarten |
16 |
Ursus thibetanus (illustrations) |
15 |
Bears in the United States |
15 |
Phippsøya |
15 |
Taxidermied Ursus maritimus |
15 |
Ursus thibetanus formosanus |
14 |
Sleeping bears |
14 |
Ursus thibetanus in Padmaja Naidu Himalayan Zoological Park |
13 |
Diver (bear) |
13 |
Playing bears |
13 |
Polar bears in zoos in the United States |
13 |
Ursus arctos arctos in Lusen National Park Centre |
13 |
Ursus maritimus behavior |
13 |
Ursus maritimus in Manitoba |
12 |
Knut (polar bear) in 2008 |
12 |
Mammals of Tibet |
12 |
Ursus americanus |
12 |
Ursus arctos middendorffi |
12 |
Ursus maritimus in Lincoln Park Zoo |
12 |
Ursus maritimus in unidentified locations |
12 |
Ursus maritimus paws |
11 |
Albinism in Ursus arctos |
11 |
Eating polar bears |
11 |
Lubok |
11 |
People with bears in art |
11 |
Ursus thibetanus japonicus |
11 |
Yan Yan |
10 |
Bears in Kodiak National Wildlife Refuge |
10 |
Drawings of bears |
10 |
Play fight of polar bears |
10 |
Sleeping polar bears |
10 |
Taxidermied Ursus arctos |
10 |
Thomas Dörflein |
10 |
Ursus maritimus in Wapusk National Park |
10 |
Wojtek (soldier bear) |
9 |
Buddy Bears in Berlin-Wilmersdorf |
9 |
Flocke (polar bear) |
9 |
Images by Dave Menke |
9 |
Ursidae behavior |
9 |
Ursus arctos horribilis |
9 |
Ursus maritimus in Central Park Zoo |
9 |
Ursus thibetanus in National Zoological Park Delhi |
8 |
Ailuropoda melanoleuca heads |
8 |
Animals of the Arctic |
8 |
August 2007 in Alaska |
8 |
Bears in India |
8 |
Brooks Falls |
8 |
Kurfürstendamm (Berlin-Charlottenburg) |
8 |
Mummers Play in Russia (Easter) |
8 |
Royev Ruchey Zoo in July, 2008 (author Andrey Laskov) |
8 |
Sculptures in Berlin-Mitte |
8 |
Standing polar bears |
8 |
Ursus arctos |
8 |
Ursus arctos arctos in Juraparc |
8 |
Ursus hybrids |
8 |
Ursus maritimus in Columbus Zoo |
8 |
Ursus maritimus in Karlsruhe Zoo |
8 |
Ursus maritimus in Louisville Zoo |
8 |
Ursus maritimus in the Islands of Svalbard |
8 |
Ursus thibetanus in Nehru Zoological Park |
8 |
Ursus thibetanus in Philadelphia Zoo |
7 |
Ailuropoda melanoleuca |
7 |
Animals of Tibet |
7 |
Annunciation KR 2014 |
7 |
Beaufort Sea |
7 |
Statue of Harry Colebourn and Winnie the bear, London Zoo |
7 |
Tai Shan (panda) |
7 |
Ursus arctos in Alaska |
7 |
Ursus maritimus at SeaWorld San Diego |
7 |
Ursus maritimus in Pittsburgh Zoo |
6 |
2004 in Manitoba |
6 |
Ailuropoda melanoleuca (juvenile) |
6 |
Bears in Turkey |
6 |
Bears in art |
6 |
Bhagawan Birsa Biological Park |
6 |
Gao Gao |
6 |
Goat guiding (rite) |
6 |
Mammals in Skopje Zoo |
6 |
Mummers Play in Russia (Svyatki) |
6 |
Statues of bear Wojtek in Poland |
6 |
Summer in Alaska |
6 |
Taxidermied Ursidae |
6 |
Tian Tian |
6 |
Ursus maritimus in Detroit Zoo |
6 |
Ursus maritimus in Maryland Zoo |
6 |
Ursus maritimus in North Carolina Zoo |
6 |
Ursus maritimus in Zoo Wuppertal |
6 |
Ursus maritimus in circus |
6 |
Ursus maritimus in the Beaufort Sea |
6 |
Ursus thibetanus in Zoo du Bassin d'Arcachon |
6 |
Videos at Zoo Wuppertal |
5 |
Ailuropoda melanoleuca in Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding |
5 |
Animals acting as musicians |
5 |
Bear bile |
5 |
Bears in Russia |
5 |
Birmingham |
5 |
Brooks Camp |
5 |
Buddy Bear "The Friend" |
5 |
Buddy Bears in Berlin-Lichterfelde |
5 |
Buddy Bears in Berlin-Schöneberg |
5 |
Cartoon Network |
5 |
Christmas postcards of the Russian Empire |
5 |
Creeks in Alaska |
5 |
Dancing bears in Bulgaria |
5 |
Dead Ursus maritimus |
5 |
Goats in fables |
5 |
Polar bears in art |
5 |
Polish II Corps |
5 |
Swimming bears |
5 |
Ursidae in Belvédère Zoo |
5 |
Ursidae in zoos |
5 |
Ursus arctos in zoos |
5 |
Ursus maritimus in Amnéville Zoo |
5 |
Ursus maritimus in Arctic National Wildlife Refuge |
5 |
Ursus maritimus in Tierpark Berlin |
5 |
Ursus maritimus stereotyped behavior |
5 |
Ursus thibetanus at Zoo de Madrid |
5 |
Ursus thibetanus in Arignar Anna Zoological Park |
5 |
Videos of animal stereotypy |
5 |
We Bare Bears |
5 |
Winnipeg the Bear |
4 |
2000 in Manitoba |
4 |
Ailuropoda melanoleuca in captivity |
4 |
Animal costumes for Christmas plays |
4 |
Animals in circus in Germany |
4 |
Annunciation KR 2015 |
4 |
Barter Island |
4 |
Bears of Pakistan |
4 |
Buddy Bears in Berlin-Kreuzberg |
4 |
Buddy Bears in Berlin-Lankwitz |
4 |
Buddy Bears in Buenos Aires |
4 |
Buddy Bears in Hong Kong |
4 |
Diseases and disorders of Canidae |
4 |
Drawings of polar bears |
4 |
Gastspiel des Zirkus Barlay, Leipzig 1951 |
4 |
Histopathology of trichinosis |
4 |
Hunters with their kill |
4 |
Incubators (neonatal) |
4 |
Koleduvane in Russia |
4 |
Koliada in Russia |
4 |
Mammals of Alaska |
4 |
Mei Xiang (panda) |
4 |
November 2004 in Canada |
4 |
Oncorhynchus keta |
4 |
Statues in Yau Tsim Mong District |
4 |
Suckling animals |
4 |
Sveta Nedelya square |
4 |
Tián Tián |
4 |
Tuan Tuan and Yuan Yuan |
4 |
Two mammals |
4 |
Unidentified Ursidae |
4 |
Ursidae eating |
4 |
Ursidae in Yellowstone National Park |
4 |
Ursus arctos arctos in Skansen |
4 |
Ursus arctos horribilis of Denali National Park |
4 |
Ursus arctos in captivity (juvenile) |
4 |
Ursus maritimus in Brookfield Zoo |
4 |
Ursus maritimus in Moscow Zoo |
4 |
Ursus maritimus in Zoo sauvage de Saint-Félicien |
4 |
Ursus thibetanus in Wrocław Zoo |
3 |
18th-century art |
3 |
1970 in Bulgaria |
3 |
1999 in Manitoba |
3 |
19th-century photographs of dancing bears |
3 |
2007 in Alaska |
3 |
2010 in Kamenz |
3 |
Adam Olearius |
3 |
Adventure World (Japan) |
3 |
Amundsen's Maud Expedition 1918–1925 |
3 |
Animal cages |
3 |
Animal heads above water |
3 |
Animals in Anholter Schweiz |
3 |
Animals of Sacramento River National Wildlife Refuge |
3 |
Animals with human clothing |
3 |
Bai Yun |
3 |
Basi (giant panda) |
3 |
Bear tracks |
3 |
Bears in Superior National Forest |
3 |
Big game hunting for boys: North America and Asia (1907) |
3 |
Buddy Bears in Berlin-Moabit |
3 |
Buddy Bears in Berlin-Neu-Hohenschönhausen |
3 |
Buddy Bears in Helsinki |
3 |
Carnivora of Sweden |
3 |
Centrum Edukacji i Promocji Regionu w Szymbarku |
3 |
Collections of the Natural History Museum at Tring |
3 |
Copacabana (Rio de Janeiro) |
3 |
Defecating Ursus maritimus |
3 |
Egon-Erwin-Kisch-Straße (Berlin-Neu-Hohenschönhausen) |
3 |
Engravings of polar bears |
3 |
Famous giant pandas |
3 |
Fauna of Sikhote-Alin nature reserve, Soviet Union stamp series, 1970 |
3 |
Four-legged animals standing on rear legs |
3 |
Fuzhou Panda World |
3 |
Helarctos malayanus in zoos |
3 |
Hunting in India |
3 |
Images of The Children's Museum of Indianapolis objects from Backstage Pass events |
3 |
Johannes Peschel |
3 |
Jumping mammals |
3 |
Lessinghaus (Kamenz) |
3 |
Mammals in Smithsonian National Zoological Park |
3 |
Mammals of Lassen Volcanic National Park |
3 |
Mammals of West Virginia |
3 |
Mei Sheng |
3 |
Melursus ursinus |
3 |
Mkhedruli signs on sculptures |
3 |
Monuments and memorials to Wojtek the soldier bear |
3 |
Museum für Naturkunde Berlin |
3 |
Nature of Sakhalin Oblast |
3 |
Novaya Zemlya |
3 |
Okhinsky District |
3 |
Paintings of bears |
3 |
Pepper sprays |
3 |
Photos taken with camera traps |
3 |
Protection against animals |
3 |
Romanian Roma people in art |
3 |
Sakhalin |
3 |
Sakhalin Oblast |
3 |
Sculptures in Berlin-Kreuzberg |
3 |
Sitting animals |
3 |
Sitting polar bears |
3 |
Snow in Alaska |
3 |
Splashes |
3 |
Stamps of the Soviet Union, 1970, all stamps |
3 |
Submarines surfaced through polar ice |
3 |
Taxidermy at Museum für Naturkunde Berlin |
3 |
Time-lapse videos from Canada |
3 |
Unidentified Salmonidae |
3 |
Ursidae distribution maps |
3 |
Ursidae in captivity |
3 |
Ursus arctos arctos in Bärengraben |
3 |
Ursus arctos arctos in captivity |
3 |
Ursus arctos beringianus in zoos |
3 |
Ursus arctos in captivity |
3 |
Ursus arctos in Ähtäri Zoo |
3 |
Ursus arctos syriacus in Jerusalem Biblical Zoo |
3 |
Ursus maritimus hunting |
3 |
Ursus maritimus in Arkhangelsk Oblast |
3 |
Ursus maritimus in Buffalo Zoo |
3 |
Ursus maritimus in Memphis Zoo |
3 |
Ursus thibetanus at Konopiště Castle |
3 |
Ursus thibetanus in the Silesian Zoological Garden |
3 |
Ursus thibetanus on stamps |
3 |
Wallstraße (Berlin-Mitte) |
3 |
Winter in West Virginia |
3 |
World War II submarines of Germany |
2 |
1888 paintings |
2 |
1904 photographs |
2 |
1905 in Canada |
2 |
1952 in Alberta |
2 |
1975 in Stockholm |
2 |
19th-century art |
2 |
2006 in Zoo Osnabrück |
2 |
2008 in Nuremberg |
2 |
2010 in Isselburg |
2 |
Animal abuse |
2 |
Animal products in Chinese medicine |
2 |
Animal siblings |
2 |
Animals fed by hand |
2 |
Animals in Zoo Osnabrück |
2 |
Animals in trees |
2 |
Animals looking at viewer |
2 |
Animals looking up |
2 |
Animals with basketball balls |
2 |
Ansbacher Straße (Berlin-Schöneberg) |
2 |
Arctic National Wildlife Refuge |
2 |
Arctic sea ice |
2 |
Attilastraße (Berlin-Tempelhof) |
2 |
Avenue of Stars, Hong Kong |
2 |
Beach of Saranda |
2 |
Bear costumes |
2 |
Bear guiding (rite) in Romania |
2 |
Bears acting as humans in art |
2 |
Bears in Heimat-Tierpark Olderdissen Bielefeld |
2 |
Bears in Sofia |
2 |
Birmingham Town Hall |
2 |
Bright Week in Russia |
2 |
British Army divisional insignia |
2 |
Budapester Straße (Berlin-Charlottenburg) |
2 |
Buddy Bears in Berlin-Dahlem |
2 |
Buddy Bears in Berlin-Halensee |
2 |
Buddy Bears in Berlin-Steglitz |
2 |
Buddy Bears in Berlin-Tegel |
2 |
Buddy Bears in Berlin-Tempelhof |
2 |
Buddy Bears in Berlin-Wannsee |
2 |
Buddy Bears in Berlin-Wedding |
2 |
Buddy Bears in Sofia |
2 |
Buddy Bears in Wandlitz |
2 |
Carnivora in Tennoji Zoo |
2 |
Cetacea bones |
2 |
Charles Livingston Bull |
2 |
Cultural heritage monuments in Buenos Aires |
2 |
Cycling in Germany |
2 |
Diving animals |
2 |
Film Fun, 1919 |
2 |
Französische Straße (Berlin-Mitte) |
2 |
Friedrichstraße (Berlin-Mitte) |
2 |
Giant panda bones |
2 |
Hardenbergplatz (Berlin-Tiergarten) |
2 |
Harris & Ewing Collection |
2 |
Harry Colebourn |
2 |
Heiss Island |
2 |
Helarctos malayanus |
2 |
Henderson Lake (Lethbridge) |
2 |
Hessische Straße (Berlin-Mitte) |
2 |
High-resolution TIFF images from the National Archives and Records Administration |
2 |
History of medicine |
2 |
Hohenzollerndamm (Berlin-Wilmersdorf) |
2 |
Horace M. Albright |
2 |
Images from the New York Public Library |
2 |
Insignia of the British Army |
2 |
Josef Tabachnyk |
2 |
July 2010 in Taiwan |
2 |
Kaliningrad Zoo |
2 |
Kamenzer Damm (Berlin-Lankwitz) |
2 |
Klingelhöferstraße (Berlin-Tiergarten) |
2 |
Kufri |
2 |
Liefdefjorden |
2 |
Ling Ling |
2 |
Los-Angeles-Platz (Berlin-Charlottenburg) |
2 |
Lying animals |
2 |
Male bears |
2 |
Mammal specimens |
2 |
Mammals at Skansen Zoo |
2 |
Mammals at Tierpark Hagenbeck |
2 |
Mammals in Chhatbir Zoo |
2 |
Mammals in Chiang Mai Zoo |
2 |
Mammals in Dudley Zoo |
2 |
Mammals in Moscow Zoo |
2 |
Mammals in Museum für Naturkunde Berlin |
2 |
Mammals in Nandankanan Zoo |
2 |
Mammals in Zoologischer Garten Berlin |
2 |
Mammals in the Denver Zoo |
2 |
Mammals in the Jim Corbett National Park |
2 |
Mammals of Bavaria |
2 |
Mammals of Himachal Pradesh |
2 |
Mammals of Rajasthan |
2 |
Mammals of the Soviet Union Volume 2 Part 1a |
2 |
Marlene-Dietrich-Platz (Berlin-Tiergarten) |
2 |
May 1975 in Sweden |
2 |
Minnesota Zoo |
2 |
Montages of Carnivora |
2 |
Monuments and memorials in Żagań |
2 |
Mount Kurai (Gifu) |
2 |
Mummers Play in Russia |
2 |
NYPL Stereoscopic views of parks and cemeteries in Chicago |
2 |
Nationaal Songfestival 1973 |
2 |
Nature in unprotected areas in Macedonia |
2 |
November 1999 in Canada |
2 |
Otto-Suhr-Allee (Berlin-Charlottenburg) |
2 |
Pagophilus groenlandicus |
2 |
Patuxent Wildlife Research Center |
2 |
Penza Zoo |
2 |
People in 1943 |
2 |
People of Pushkar |
2 |
People sitting at tables |
2 |
People with goats in art |
2 |
Petrogradskaya Embankment |
2 |
Photographs by Abraham Pisarek from 1945 |
2 |
Photographs by George A. Grant |
2 |
Photographs by Rob Croes |
2 |
Photographs by van Duinen |
2 |
Photos by Joseph Kotulič,animals |
2 |
Point Defiance Zoo & Aquarium |
2 |
Polar bears on stamps |
2 |
Polar bears with prey |
2 |
Ports and harbours (unidentified) |
2 |
Pt. G.B. Pant High Altitude Zoo, Nainital |
2 |
Rio Grande Zoo |
2 |
Roger Williams Park Zoo |
2 |
Running bears |
2 |
Russian Arctic National Park |
2 |
Réserve africaine de Sigean |
2 |
Scharrenstraße (Berlin-Mitte) |
2 |
Scientists at work |
2 |
Sculptures in Berlin-Schöneberg |
2 |
Sculptures in Berlin-Tiergarten |
2 |
Sculptures in Berlin-Wedding |
2 |
Sedated bears |
2 |
Skandinavisk Dyrepark |
2 |
Skomorokhs |
2 |
Snow in West Virginia |
2 |
St. Nicholas, 1920 |
2 |
Statues of polar bears in Germany |
2 |
Su Lin |
2 |
Sylvia de Leur |
2 |
Taipei Zoo |
2 |
Taxidermied Panthera leo |
2 |
Taxidermied Panthera tigris altaica |
2 |
Taxidermied jaguars |
2 |
Taxidermied mammal displays |
2 |
Taxidermied mammals in the Musée zoologique de Strasbourg |
2 |
The American Museum Journal (1917) |
2 |
Tsim Sha Tsui Promenade |
2 |
Turquoise water |
2 |
U.S. English pronunciation |
2 |
Ukkusiksalik National Park |
2 |
Ursidae in Taipei zoo |
2 |
Ursus americanus in zoos |
2 |
Ursus arctos arctos |
2 |
Ursus arctos arctos (juvenile) |
2 |
Ursus arctos arctos in Wildpark Poing |
2 |
Ursus arctos eating |
2 |
Ursus arctos heads |
2 |
Ursus maritimus (illustrations) |
2 |
Ursus maritimus anatomy |
2 |
Ursus maritimus in Churchill, Manitoba |
2 |
Ursus maritimus in Copenhagen Zoo |
2 |
Ursus maritimus in Greenland |
2 |
Ursus maritimus in Highland Wildlife Park |
2 |
Ursus maritimus in Nunavut |
2 |
Ursus maritimus in Russia |
2 |
Ursus maritimus in Schönbrunn Zoo |
2 |
Ursus maritimus in Toronto Zoo |
2 |
Ursus maritimus in Zoo de La Flèche |
2 |
Ursus maritimus in Zoologischer Garten Berlin |
2 |
Ursus maritimus in the San Francisco Zoo |
2 |
Ursus maritimus in the United States |
2 |
Ursus maritimus, Andöyane, Liefdefjorden |
2 |
Ursus spelaeus fossils |
2 |
Ursus spelaeus skeletal mounts |
2 |
Ursus thibetanus (museum specimens) |
2 |
Ursus thibetanus at Artis |
2 |
Videos at Zoologischer Garten Berlin |
2 |
Videos from Manitoba |
2 |
Videos of 1999 |
2 |
Videos of 2007 |
2 |
Videos of 2018 |
2 |
Videos of Zoo de la Flèche |
2 |
Wet animals |
2 |
William Frederick Witherington |
2 |
World War II submarine crews of Germany |
2 |
Yakutsk Zoo |
2 |
Yuan Zai |
2 |
Zoopark Chelyabinsk |
1 |
1555 in art |
1 |
1647 engravings |
1 |
16th-century engravings |
1 |
17th-century prints in the National Museum in Warsaw |
1 |
1810 in art |
1 |
1822 paintings |
1 |
1865 paintings |
1 |
1868 in science |
1 |
1869 engravings |
1 |
1874 in the Russian Empire |
1 |
1895 photographs |
1 |
18th-century dancers |
1 |
1900 in Bagnères-de-Luchon |
1 |
1900 in Seattle |
1 |
1900s photographs of Lincoln Park Zoo |
1 |
1900s photographs of polar bears |
1 |
1903 books |
1 |
1903 in Brisbane |
1 |
1912 books |
1 |
1912 in Beijing |
1 |
1922 in Wyoming |
1 |
1922 photographs |
1 |
1922 photographs of the United States |
1 |
1930s postcards of Norway |
1 |
1934 in Edinburgh |
1 |
1934 portrait photographs |
1 |
1936 photographs |
1 |
1953 in Bergen, Norway |
1 |
1962 photographs by Paolo Monti |
1 |
1990 in Bulgaria |
1 |
1990 in road transport |
1 |
1992 sculptures in Canada |
1 |
1996 in Nunavut |
1 |
1997 in Winnipeg |
1 |
19th-century engravings |
1 |
19th-century men of Finland |
1 |
2005 in Berlin |
1 |
2005 in Lichtenberg (district of Berlin) |
1 |
2006 in Lichtenberg (district of Berlin) |
1 |
2006 in Manitoba |
1 |
2006 in Nyköping Municipality |
1 |
2006-12-05 |
1 |
2007 in Isselburg |
1 |
2007 in Källunge |
1 |
2008 Sichuan earthquake |
1 |
2008 in Berlin |
1 |
2008 in Lichtenberg (district of Berlin) |
1 |
2008 photographs |
1 |
2008 stamps of Germany |
1 |
2009 in Lichtenberg (district of Berlin) |
1 |
2011 animal births |
1 |
2011 in Berlin |
1 |
2012 in Berlin |
1 |
2015 in Svalbard |
1 |
2017 Summer Universiade |
1 |
2017 Summer Universiade Visual Design i-Voting |
1 |
2017 sculptures |
1 |
20th-century group portrait photographs from Slovenia |
1 |
49th (West Riding) Infantry Division |
1 |
Abraham Hondius |
1 |
Acrobat animals |
1 |
Advertising columns in Lichtenberg (district of Berlin) |
1 |
Ailuropoda melanoleuca cages |
1 |
Ailuropoda melanoleuca in San Diego Zoo |
1 |
Ailuropoda melanoleuca in Ueno Zoo |
1 |
Akha people in Thailand |
1 |
Alaska North Slope |
1 |
Alaska Peninsula |
1 |
Alden Dawson |
1 |
Alta museum |
1 |
Am Großen Wannsee (Berlin-Wannsee) |
1 |
Am Stichkanal (Berlin-Lichterfelde) |
1 |
American Animals (Stone & Cram) |
1 |
An der Urania (Berlin-Schöneberg) |
1 |
Anchors in art |
1 |
Andreas Pirot |
1 |
André Schüle |
1 |
Animal attacks |
1 |
Animal blood |
1 |
Animal families |
1 |
Animal feet |
1 |
Animal limb comparisons |
1 |
Animal models |
1 |
Animal sanctuaries |
1 |
Animal skeletal system |
1 |
Animal trainers |
1 |
Animal triplets |
1 |
Animals and trees |
1 |
Animals eating |
1 |
Animals eating carrots |
1 |
Animals hunting in art |
1 |
Animals in Monde Sauvage d'Aywaille |
1 |
Animals in Ménagerie du Jardin des Plantes |
1 |
Animals in ZOOM Erlebniswelt |
1 |
Animals in Zoo Halle |
1 |
Animals in action; studies and stories of beasts, birds and reptiles; their habits, their homes and their peculiarities (1901) |
1 |
Animals in aviation |
1 |
Animals in hammocks |
1 |
Animals in zoos in Bangladesh |
1 |
Animals of China |
1 |
Animals of Finnmark |
1 |
Animals of Great Himalayan National Park |
1 |
Animals of Kodiak Island |
1 |
Animals of Mount Norikura |
1 |
Animals of Mulhouse |
1 |
Animals of Samsun Province |
1 |
Animals of Sikkim |
1 |
Animals of the Sierra Nevada (United States) |
1 |
Animals on grass |
1 |
Animals on stamps of Azerbaijan |
1 |
Animals sitting on other animals |
1 |
Animals smelling flowers |
1 |
Animals sticking out the tongue |
1 |
Annual report - New York Zoological Society (1906) |
1 |
Annual report - New York Zoological Society (1920) |
1 |
Annual report of the American Museum of Natural History (1901) |
1 |
Annual reports of the New York Zoological Society |
1 |
Annual reports of the New York Zoological Society (1897) |
1 |
Anori (polar bear) |
1 |
Anthony Fiala |
1 |
April 2006 in Södermanland County |
1 |
April 2010 in Moscow |
1 |
Archives in the United Kingdom |
1 |
Arctic expedition SS München |
1 |
Arctic expeditions |
1 |
Arlecchino (opera) |
1 |
Art'otel Berlin Kudamm |
1 |
Arundel |
1 |
Assiniboine Park Zoo |
1 |
Audio files of Ursus maritimus |
1 |
August 1996 in Canada |
1 |
August 2007 in Gotland |
1 |
August 2014 Germany photographs |
1 |
August Jernberg |
1 |
Augustenburger Platz (Berlin-Wedding) |
1 |
Balaena mysticetus |
1 |
Barents Sea |
1 |
Baroque and Classicist paintings in the Schlossmuseum Weimar |
1 |
Baturaja |
1 |
Bayern Express & P. Kühn Berlin |
1 |
Bear fur-skins |
1 |
Bear guiding (rite) in Bulgaria |
1 |
Bear hunting |
1 |
Bear hunting in art |
1 |
Bear skulls |
1 |
Bear trap |
1 |
Bear wrestling |
1 |
Bear-resistant equipment |
1 |
Bears and music |
1 |
Bears in Bulgaria |
1 |
Bears in Canada |
1 |
Bears in Glacier National Park |
1 |
Bears in Great Smoky Mountains National Park |
1 |
Bears in Norway |
1 |
Bears in Romania |
1 |
Bears in Slovenia |
1 |
Bears in Spain |
1 |
Bears in music |
1 |
Bears of Laos |
1 |
Bears of Saint Petersburg |
1 |
Bears on stamps of Germany |
1 |
Beaulieu-sous-la-Roche |
1 |
Becharof National Wildlife Refuge |
1 |
Beiersdorf |
1 |
Belarusian Embassy, Berlin |
1 |
Bell 206L |
1 |
Berdyansk Zoo |
1 |
Bergen harbour |
1 |
Berlin-Borsigwalde |
1 |
Berliner Baugenossenschaft |
1 |
Berliner Straße (Berlin-Tegel) |
1 |
Biogeographical maps of the world |
1 |
Birds of Alaska |
1 |
Bitola Zoo |
1 |
Bjørneparken |
1 |
Black and white photographs in the 1900s |
1 |
Black and white photographs of Brisbane |
1 |
Blue Man Group |
1 |
Blue sculptures |
1 |
Book illustrations |
1 |
Botschaft von Kirgistan in Berlin |
1 |
Bottle feeding (animals) |
1 |
Box rigid trucks |
1 |
British Army in World War II |
1 |
Brown bears at Warsaw Zoo |
1 |
Bruno di Martino |
1 |
Budapester Straße (Berlin-Tiergarten) |
1 |
Buddy Bears in Berlin-Britz |
1 |
Buddy Bears in Berlin-Buch |
1 |
Buddy Bears in Berlin-Friedrichshain |
1 |
Buddy Bears in Berlin-Grunewald |
1 |
Buddy Bears in Berlin-Hakenfelde |
1 |
Buddy Bears in Berlin-Hansaviertel |
1 |
Buddy Bears in Berlin-Haselhorst |
1 |
Buddy Bears in Berlin-Lichtenberg |
1 |
Buddy Bears in Berlin-Mariendorf |
1 |
Buddy Bears in Berlin-Neukölln |
1 |
Buddy Bears in Berlin-Nikolassee |
1 |
Buddy Bears in Berlin-Plänterwald |
1 |
Buddy Bears in Berlin-Prenzlauer Berg |
1 |
Buddy Bears in Berlin-Reinickendorf |
1 |
Buddy Bears in Berlin-Schmargendorf |
1 |
Buddy Bears in Berlin-Spandau |
1 |
Buddy Bears in Berlin-Westend |
1 |
Buddy Bears in Berlin-Zehlendorf |
1 |
Buddy Bears in Cairo |
1 |
Buddy Bears in Chile |
1 |
Buddy Bears in France |
1 |
Buddy Bears in Jerusalem |
1 |
Buddy Bears in Saint Petersburg |
1 |
Buddy Bears in Vienna |
1 |
Buddy Bears in Warsaw |
1 |
Buildings in Yellowstone National Park |
1 |
Bundesministerium der Verteidigung |
1 |
Buteo buteo (captive) |
1 |
Bärenpark Bern |
1 |
Bärenwald Arbesbach |
1 |
Cabbage |
1 |
Cades Cove |
1 |
Cages in San Diego Zoo |
1 |
Cambridge Natural History, Mammalia |
1 |
Camera viewfinders |
1 |
Cameras |
1 |
Canis lupus arctos |
1 |
Cape Flora |
1 |
Carpets by Jazep Drazdovič |
1 |
Cassell's natural history |
1 |
Cat Tien National Park |
1 |
Cavemen |
1 |
Centre d'observation de la faune et d'interprétation de l'agriculture de Falardeau |
1 |
Cervus canadensis (museum specimens) |
1 |
Chained animals |
1 |
Charlottenburger Chaussee (Berlin-Spandau) |
1 |
Child labour |
1 |
Children of France |
1 |
Chimney sweeps |
1 |
Christmas in Russia |
1 |
Christmas traditions |
1 |
Christmastide in Ukraine |
1 |
Churches in Gotland photographed in 2007 |
1 |
Churchill, Manitoba |
1 |
Cigarette smoking |
1 |
Circus in Australia |
1 |
Circus in art |
1 |
City walls of Wiener Neustadt |
1 |
Claws |
1 |
Clayallee (Berlin-Dahlem) |
1 |
Clifton Park Museum |
1 |
Collection Gugelmann |
1 |
Collection of Wild Life at Thinktank, Birmingham |
1 |
Collections of Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences |
1 |
Collections of the Museum of Veterinary Anatomy FMVZ USP |
1 |
Collections of the Musée de la chasse et de la nature |
1 |
Collections of the Vancouver Public Library Central Branch |
1 |
Colonie Alsen |
1 |
Colville River (Alaska) |
1 |
Conservation |
1 |
Council House, Birmingham |
1 |
Crying animals |
1 |
Culture of Brisbane |
1 |
Culture of Kyrgyzstan |
1 |
Culture of Occitania |
1 |
Czech pronunciation |
1 |
Dachigam Rescue Centre |
1 |
Daen Lao Range |
1 |
Dalarna |
1 |
Dance in art |
1 |
Dancing animals in art |
1 |
Dead bears |
1 |
Dead fish |
1 |
Denali National Park |
1 |
Descriptions of animals in the Silesian Zoological Garden |
1 |
Deutsche Bank in Berlin |
1 |
Deutsches Schifffahrtsmuseum |
1 |
Dioramas in Italy |
1 |
Dioramas in the American Museum of Natural History |
1 |
Dirk Michaelis |
1 |
Dobutsugaku zasshi |
1 |
Dogs |
1 |
Dogs of Washington (state) |
1 |
Dolgor Ser-Od |
1 |
Dormitory at Kloster Bebenhausen |
1 |
Drift ice |
1 |
Dulhazra Safari Park |
1 |
ETH-BIB Leo Wehrli - Reproductions |
1 |
Ear tags |
1 |
Easter in Russia |
1 |
Ebertstraße (Berlin-Mitte) |
1 |
Edinburgh journal of natural history and of the physical sciences (1835) |
1 |
Egyptian Embassy, Berlin |
1 |
Eichkatzweg (Berlin-Westend) |
1 |
Eiffel Tower from Champ-de-Mars in the 2010s |
1 |
Eiffel Tower in 2012 |
1 |
Embassies in Berlin |
1 |
Embassies in Germany |
1 |
Embassies of Kyrgyzstan |
1 |
Ercé |
1 |
Erignathus barbatus |
1 |
Erithacus rubecula (taxidermied) |
1 |
Ernst Krenkel Observatory |
1 |
Etchings in the Wellcome Collection |
1 |
Etchings of animals in the Wellcome Collection |
1 |
Evelyn Greeley |
1 |
Events in Vendée |
1 |
Everyday life in art |
1 |
Exercise Min An No. 3 and Jin Hua for the 2017 Summer Universiade in Taipei |
1 |
Facades of InterContinental Hong Kong |
1 |
Fairy tale illustrations |
1 |
Farmers |
1 |
Fashion in 1900 |
1 |
Fatigue in animals |
1 |
Featured pictures by Christopher Michel |
1 |
Feeding animals |
1 |
Festzug (Rutenfest Ravensburg) |
1 |
Finckensteinallee (Berlin-Lichterfelde) |
1 |
Firewood |
1 |
Fish (food) |
1 |
Floating animals |
1 |
Flora in Mount Norikura |
1 |
Flotowstraße (Berlin-Hansaviertel) |
1 |
Flower bouquets |
1 |
Folk costume of Shebekinsky District |
1 |
Fonds Trutat - Muséum de Toulouse |
1 |
Forststraße (Berlin-Zehlendorf) |
1 |
Fountains in Kuala Lumpur |
1 |
Four-footed Americans and their kin |
1 |
Foxes in art |
1 |
Frank C. Papé |
1 |
Franklinstraße (Berlin-Charlottenburg) |
1 |
François Nicholas Riss |
1 |
Frederick Stuart Church |
1 |
French pronunciation of words relating to mammals |
1 |
Friedrich Brentel - Drawings |
1 |
Friedrich Preller der Ältere |
1 |
Friedrich Specht - mammal illustrations |
1 |
Fringilla coelebs (museum specimens) |
1 |
Fritz van der Venne |
1 |
Front of smartphones |
1 |
Front views of trucks |
1 |
Fuggerstraße (Berlin-Schöneberg) |
1 |
Funerals in Germany |
1 |
Fur costumes in 2006 |
1 |
Fur fashion in 1982 |
1 |
Gartenlaube (1871) |
1 |
Genre paintings from Switzerland |
1 |
George Botsford |
1 |
Georgiy Sedov |
1 |
Georgiy Sedov's expedition in Arkhangelsk |
1 |
Gießen |
1 |
Girls |
1 |
Gobelins of Germany |
1 |
Goerzallee (Berlin-Lichterfelde) |
1 |
Gorkistraße (Berlin-Tegel) |
1 |
Gottfried Mind |
1 |
Gradestraße (Berlin-Britz) |
1 |
Group portraits with 3 people |
1 |
Grunewaldstraße (Berlin-Steglitz) |
1 |
Hallo Bay |
1 |
Hand-colored photographs |
1 |
Hansablickbär |
1 |
Hardenbergstraße (Berlin-Charlottenburg) |
1 |
Hares in art |
1 |
Harry Furniss |
1 |
Hartmannstraße (Berlin-Lichterfelde) |
1 |
Hausvogteiplatz (Berlin-Mitte) |
1 |
Hearts in art |
1 |
Heidelberger Platz (Berlin-Wilmersdorf) |
1 |
Heimat-Tierpark Olderdissen Bielefeld |
1 |
Heinrich Dathe |
1 |
Helgolandstraße (Berlin-Wilmersdorf) |
1 |
Helsinki Lutheran Cathedral |
1 |
Henry Vilas Zoo |
1 |
Henryk Jordan Park |
1 |
Hibernation |
1 |
Hidden Ocean 2005 Expedition |
1 |
Himalayan Zoological Park |
1 |
Hinlopenstretet |
1 |
Historia de gentibus septentrionalibus |
1 |
Historical images depicting Bulgarian culture |
1 |
Historical images of Basel by Paolo Monti |
1 |
Historical images of Istanbul |
1 |
Historical images of Myanmar |
1 |
Historical images of Samsun |
1 |
Historical images of Šmarca |
1 |
History of Brisbane |
1 |
History of Punjab, India |
1 |
History of Siberia |
1 |
History of Transylvania |
1 |
History of Zoologischer Garten Berlin |
1 |
History paintings by Viktor Vasnetsov |
1 |
Holy Week in Russia |
1 |
Hormozgan Province |
1 |
Horse-drawn wagons in Bulgaria |
1 |
Hotels in Washington (state) |
1 |
Hunting |
1 |
Hunting and trapping stories; a book for boys (1903) |
1 |
Hunting in Sweden |
1 |
Hunting in art of India |
1 |
Hurdy-gurdy players in art |
1 |
Ibero-Amerikanisches Institut |
1 |
Ice floes |
1 |
Illinois postcards by Tichnor Brothers |
1 |
Images from Pictura Paedagogica |
1 |
Images from The Tacoma Times |
1 |
Images from Vsemirnaya Illyustratsia (magazine) |
1 |
Images from Wiki Loves Monuments 2017 in the United States contest ineligible |
1 |
In den Kisseln |
1 |
In den Neuen Gärten (Berlin-Lankwitz) |
1 |
Individual bears |
1 |
Individual polar bears |
1 |
Information boards in Lichtenberg (district of Berlin) |
1 |
Interior of CosmoCaixa Barcelona |
1 |
Interior of Schloss Langenburg |
1 |
Interior views of Waldburg (castle) |
1 |
Invalidenstraße (Berlin-Moabit) |
1 |
It's a Bear (1919 film) |
1 |
Izhevsk Zoo |
1 |
J. Wesley Van der Voort |
1 |
January 2016 in Warsaw |
1 |
Japanese Canadian Photography Collection |
1 |
Jenaer Straße (Berlin-Wilmersdorf) |
1 |
Jesters in engravings |
1 |
Joachim-Karnatz-Allee (Berlin-Moabit) |
1 |
John-F.-Kennedy-Schule |
1 |
Julius-Leber-Kaserne (Berlin) |
1 |
July 1997 in Canada |
1 |
July 2005 in Alaska |
1 |
July 2006 Norway photographs |
1 |
Jumping salmon |
1 |
June 2015 Norway photographs |
1 |
Justizvollzugsanstalt Moabit |
1 |
Kalatop Khajjiar Sanctuary |
1 |
Karl-Liebknecht-Straße (Berlin-Mitte) |
1 |
Karl-Marx-Straße (Berlin-Neukölln) |
1 |
Karlsbader Straße (Berlin-Schmargendorf) |
1 |
Karlsplatz, Vienna |
1 |
Katmai National Park |
1 |
Kenai National Wildlife Refuge |
1 |
Kenai Peninsula Borough, Alaska |
1 |
Kharkiv Zoo |
1 |
Kindergarten in Warsaw |
1 |
Knesebeckstraße (Berlin-Charlottenburg) |
1 |
Knobelsdorff-Schule (Berlin) |
1 |
Kuang Si Falls |
1 |
Kurfürstendamm (Berlin-Halensee) |
1 |
Kurfürstenstraße (Berlin-Tiergarten) |
1 |
Kurt-Schumacher-Damm (Berlin-Wedding) |
1 |
Kutepov's hunting - illustrations (Volume 1) |
1 |
Kálmán Kittenberger Botanical Garden and Zoo |
1 |
Kârale Andreassen |
1 |
Källunge kyrka |
1 |
Köpenicker Straße (Berlin-Mitte) |
1 |
Lake and Peninsula Borough, Alaska |
1 |
Lankwitzer Straße (Berlin-Mariendorf) |
1 |
Larus glaucescens |
1 |
Ledra Street checkpoint |
1 |
Lennéstraße (Berlin-Tiergarten) |
1 |
Leo Tolstoy's Museum (Moscow, Lev Tolstoy Street) |
1 |
Lions Gate (Zoologischer Garten Berlin) |
1 |
Lithuanian Zoo |
1 |
Littenstraße (Berlin-Mitte) |
1 |
Lobanov-Rostovsky collection |
1 |
Logging |
1 |
Luckauer Straße (Berlin) |
1 |
Luisenstraße (Berlin-Mitte) |
1 |
Lutz Brandt |
1 |
Lützowplatz (Berlin-Tiergarten) |
1 |
Maceration at Museum of Veterinary Anatomy FMVZ USP |
1 |
Malanka (slavic festival) |
1 |
Male folk headgear of Russia |
1 |
Male fur headgear |
1 |
Male national costumes of Russia in art |
1 |
Males with animals |
1 |
Mammal feet |
1 |
Mammal hair |
1 |
Mammal nests |
1 |
Mammal skin |
1 |
Mammalia (male) |
1 |
Mammalia in right lateral aspect |
1 |
Mammals at Hrodna Zoo |
1 |
Mammals at SeaWorld Orlando |
1 |
Mammals hunting |
1 |
Mammals in Basel Zoo |
1 |
Mammals in Copenhagen Zoo |
1 |
Mammals in Edinburgh Zoo |
1 |
Mammals in Henry Doorly Zoo |
1 |
Mammals in Jacksonville Zoo |
1 |
Mammals in Jardim Zoológico de Lisboa |
1 |
Mammals in Kathmandu Zoo |
1 |
Mammals in Kiev Zoo |
1 |
Mammals in Kolmården Zoo |
1 |
Mammals in Mykolaiv Zoo |
1 |
Mammals in Oregon Zoo |
1 |
Mammals in Trivandrum Zoo |
1 |
Mammals in Ueno Zoo |
1 |
Mammals in Woodland Park Zoo |
1 |
Mammals in Zoo Heidelberg |
1 |
Mammals in the Beijing Zoo |
1 |
Mammals in zoos in India |
1 |
Mammals of Albania |
1 |
Mammals of Arkhangelsk Oblast |
1 |
Mammals of Bangladesh |
1 |
Mammals of Brisbane |
1 |
Mammals of Canada |
1 |
Mammals of Grand Teton National Park |
1 |
Mammals of Iran |
1 |
Mammals of Jasper National Park |
1 |
Mammals of Montana |
1 |
Mammals of Norway |
1 |
Mammals of Saint Louis Zoological Park |
1 |
Mammals of Saint Petersburg |
1 |
Mammals of Shenandoah National Park |
1 |
Mammals of Taiwan |
1 |
Mammals of Uttarakhand |
1 |
Mammals of Washington (state) |
1 |
Mammals on white background |
1 |
Maps of Tierpark Berlin |
1 |
March 2010 in Switzerland |
1 |
Marineland d'Antibes |
1 |
Markgrafenstraße (Berlin-Mitte) |
1 |
Marriott hotels |
1 |
Mascots of Taiwan |
1 |
Maslenitsa in Russia |
1 |
Maud (ship, 1917) |
1 |
Mechanical Theatre Hellbrunn |
1 |
Media circus |
1 |
Meinekestraße (Berlin-Wilmersdorf) |
1 |
Melursus ursinus in National Zoological Park Delhi |
1 |
Melursus ursinus in the Daroji Sloth Bear Sanctuary |