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1,328 Active Topics:  1   2 
Files Topic
153 Buddy Bear "The Dancer"
99 Ursus maritimus
97 Bears standing on rear legs
82 Ursus thibetanus in zoos
54 Swimming polar bears
44 Knut (polar bear) in 2007
43 Ursus maritimus (juvenile)
42 Dancing bears
41 Ursus arctos (juvenile)
40 People with bears
37 Bears in snow
37 Ursus arctos fishing
36 Bear guiding (rite) in Russia
30 Ursidae
29 Ursus maritimus heads
28 Ursus maritimus at the San Diego Zoo
28 Ursus maritimus in zoos
28 Ursus thibetanus
27 Ursus americanus (juvenile)
27 Ursus arctos arctos in Polar Zoo
25 Bears in water
24 Polar bears eating their kill
24 Ursidae (juvenile)
23 Ursus maritimus in Philadelphia Zoo
22 Bear comedy in Russia
22 Behavioral enrichment
22 Ursus arctos arctos in captivity (juvenile)
21 Bao Bao
21 Buddy Bears in Berlin-Mitte
21 Ursus maritimus in captivity
20 Ursus maritimus in the Bronx Zoo
19 Knut (polar bear)
19 North Pole
19 Ursus arctos of Katmai National Park
19 Videos of Ursus maritimus
18 Buddy Bears in Berlin-Charlottenburg
17 Ursus (genus)
16 Buddy Bears in Berlin-Tiergarten
16 Ursus thibetanus (illustrations)
15 Bears in the United States
15 Phippsøya
15 Taxidermied Ursus maritimus
15 Ursus thibetanus formosanus
14 Sleeping bears
14 Ursus thibetanus in Padmaja Naidu Himalayan Zoological Park
13 Diver (bear)
13 Playing bears
13 Polar bears in zoos in the United States
13 Ursus arctos arctos in Lusen National Park Centre
13 Ursus maritimus behavior
13 Ursus maritimus in Manitoba
12 Knut (polar bear) in 2008
12 Mammals of Tibet
12 Ursus americanus
12 Ursus arctos middendorffi
12 Ursus maritimus in Lincoln Park Zoo
12 Ursus maritimus in unidentified locations
12 Ursus maritimus paws
11 Albinism in Ursus arctos
11 Eating polar bears
11 Lubok
11 People with bears in art
11 Ursus thibetanus japonicus
11 Yan Yan
10 Bears in Kodiak National Wildlife Refuge
10 Drawings of bears
10 Play fight of polar bears
10 Sleeping polar bears
10 Taxidermied Ursus arctos
10 Thomas Dörflein
10 Ursus maritimus in Wapusk National Park
10 Wojtek (soldier bear)
9 Buddy Bears in Berlin-Wilmersdorf
9 Flocke (polar bear)
9 Images by Dave Menke
9 Ursidae behavior
9 Ursus arctos horribilis
9 Ursus maritimus in Central Park Zoo
9 Ursus thibetanus in National Zoological Park Delhi
8 Ailuropoda melanoleuca heads
8 Animals of the Arctic
8 August 2007 in Alaska
8 Bears in India
8 Brooks Falls
8 Kurfürstendamm (Berlin-Charlottenburg)
8 Mummers Play in Russia (Easter)
8 Royev Ruchey Zoo in July, 2008 (author Andrey Laskov)
8 Sculptures in Berlin-Mitte
8 Standing polar bears
8 Ursus arctos
8 Ursus arctos arctos in Juraparc
8 Ursus hybrids
8 Ursus maritimus in Columbus Zoo
8 Ursus maritimus in Karlsruhe Zoo
8 Ursus maritimus in Louisville Zoo
8 Ursus maritimus in the Islands of Svalbard
8 Ursus thibetanus in Nehru Zoological Park
8 Ursus thibetanus in Philadelphia Zoo
7 Ailuropoda melanoleuca
7 Animals of Tibet
7 Annunciation KR 2014
7 Beaufort Sea
7 Statue of Harry Colebourn and Winnie the bear, London Zoo
7 Tai Shan (panda)
7 Ursus arctos in Alaska
7 Ursus maritimus at SeaWorld San Diego
7 Ursus maritimus in Pittsburgh Zoo
6 2004 in Manitoba
6 Ailuropoda melanoleuca (juvenile)
6 Bears in Turkey
6 Bears in art
6 Bhagawan Birsa Biological Park
6 Gao Gao
6 Goat guiding (rite)
6 Mammals in Skopje Zoo
6 Mummers Play in Russia (Svyatki)
6 Statues of bear Wojtek in Poland
6 Summer in Alaska
6 Taxidermied Ursidae
6 Tian Tian
6 Ursus maritimus in Detroit Zoo
6 Ursus maritimus in Maryland Zoo
6 Ursus maritimus in North Carolina Zoo
6 Ursus maritimus in Zoo Wuppertal
6 Ursus maritimus in circus
6 Ursus maritimus in the Beaufort Sea
6 Ursus thibetanus in Zoo du Bassin d'Arcachon
6 Videos at Zoo Wuppertal
5 Ailuropoda melanoleuca in Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding
5 Animals acting as musicians
5 Bear bile
5 Bears in Russia
5 Birmingham
5 Brooks Camp
5 Buddy Bear "The Friend"
5 Buddy Bears in Berlin-Lichterfelde
5 Buddy Bears in Berlin-Schöneberg
5 Cartoon Network
5 Christmas postcards of the Russian Empire
5 Creeks in Alaska
5 Dancing bears in Bulgaria
5 Dead Ursus maritimus
5 Goats in fables
5 Polar bears in art
5 Polish II Corps
5 Swimming bears
5 Ursidae in Belvédère Zoo
5 Ursidae in zoos
5 Ursus arctos in zoos
5 Ursus maritimus in Amnéville Zoo
5 Ursus maritimus in Arctic National Wildlife Refuge
5 Ursus maritimus in Tierpark Berlin
5 Ursus maritimus stereotyped behavior
5 Ursus thibetanus at Zoo de Madrid
5 Ursus thibetanus in Arignar Anna Zoological Park
5 Videos of animal stereotypy
5 We Bare Bears
5 Winnipeg the Bear
4 2000 in Manitoba
4 Ailuropoda melanoleuca in captivity
4 Animal costumes for Christmas plays
4 Animals in circus in Germany
4 Annunciation KR 2015
4 Barter Island
4 Bears of Pakistan
4 Buddy Bears in Berlin-Kreuzberg
4 Buddy Bears in Berlin-Lankwitz
4 Buddy Bears in Buenos Aires
4 Buddy Bears in Hong Kong
4 Diseases and disorders of Canidae
4 Drawings of polar bears
4 Gastspiel des Zirkus Barlay, Leipzig 1951
4 Histopathology of trichinosis
4 Hunters with their kill
4 Incubators (neonatal)
4 Koleduvane in Russia
4 Koliada in Russia
4 Mammals of Alaska
4 Mei Xiang (panda)
4 November 2004 in Canada
4 Oncorhynchus keta
4 Statues in Yau Tsim Mong District
4 Suckling animals
4 Sveta Nedelya square
4 Tián Tián
4 Tuan Tuan and Yuan Yuan
4 Two mammals
4 Unidentified Ursidae
4 Ursidae eating
4 Ursidae in Yellowstone National Park
4 Ursus arctos arctos in Skansen
4 Ursus arctos horribilis of Denali National Park
4 Ursus arctos in captivity (juvenile)
4 Ursus maritimus in Brookfield Zoo
4 Ursus maritimus in Moscow Zoo
4 Ursus maritimus in Zoo sauvage de Saint-Félicien
4 Ursus thibetanus in Wrocław Zoo
3 18th-century art
3 1970 in Bulgaria
3 1999 in Manitoba
3 19th-century photographs of dancing bears
3 2007 in Alaska
3 2010 in Kamenz
3 Adam Olearius
3 Adventure World (Japan)
3 Amundsen's Maud Expedition 1918–1925
3 Animal cages
3 Animal heads above water
3 Animals in Anholter Schweiz
3 Animals of Sacramento River National Wildlife Refuge
3 Animals with human clothing
3 Bai Yun
3 Basi (giant panda)
3 Bear tracks
3 Bears in Superior National Forest
3 Big game hunting for boys: North America and Asia (1907)
3 Buddy Bears in Berlin-Moabit
3 Buddy Bears in Berlin-Neu-Hohenschönhausen
3 Buddy Bears in Helsinki
3 Carnivora of Sweden
3 Centrum Edukacji i Promocji Regionu w Szymbarku
3 Collections of the Natural History Museum at Tring
3 Copacabana (Rio de Janeiro)
3 Defecating Ursus maritimus
3 Egon-Erwin-Kisch-Straße (Berlin-Neu-Hohenschönhausen)
3 Engravings of polar bears
3 Famous giant pandas
3 Fauna of Sikhote-Alin nature reserve, Soviet Union stamp series, 1970
3 Four-legged animals standing on rear legs
3 Fuzhou Panda World
3 Helarctos malayanus in zoos
3 Hunting in India
3 Images of The Children's Museum of Indianapolis objects from Backstage Pass events
3 Johannes Peschel
3 Jumping mammals
3 Lessinghaus (Kamenz)
3 Mammals in Smithsonian National Zoological Park
3 Mammals of Lassen Volcanic National Park
3 Mammals of West Virginia
3 Mei Sheng
3 Melursus ursinus
3 Mkhedruli signs on sculptures
3 Monuments and memorials to Wojtek the soldier bear
3 Museum für Naturkunde Berlin
3 Nature of Sakhalin Oblast
3 Novaya Zemlya
3 Okhinsky District
3 Paintings of bears
3 Pepper sprays
3 Photos taken with camera traps
3 Protection against animals
3 Romanian Roma people in art
3 Sakhalin
3 Sakhalin Oblast
3 Sculptures in Berlin-Kreuzberg
3 Sitting animals
3 Sitting polar bears
3 Snow in Alaska
3 Splashes
3 Stamps of the Soviet Union, 1970, all stamps
3 Submarines surfaced through polar ice
3 Taxidermy at Museum für Naturkunde Berlin
3 Time-lapse videos from Canada
3 Unidentified Salmonidae
3 Ursidae distribution maps
3 Ursidae in captivity
3 Ursus arctos arctos in Bärengraben
3 Ursus arctos arctos in captivity
3 Ursus arctos beringianus in zoos
3 Ursus arctos in captivity
3 Ursus arctos in Ähtäri Zoo
3 Ursus arctos syriacus in Jerusalem Biblical Zoo
3 Ursus maritimus hunting
3 Ursus maritimus in Arkhangelsk Oblast
3 Ursus maritimus in Buffalo Zoo
3 Ursus maritimus in Memphis Zoo
3 Ursus thibetanus at Konopiště Castle
3 Ursus thibetanus in the Silesian Zoological Garden
3 Ursus thibetanus on stamps
3 Wallstraße (Berlin-Mitte)
3 Winter in West Virginia
3 World War II submarines of Germany
2 1888 paintings
2 1904 photographs
2 1905 in Canada
2 1952 in Alberta
2 1975 in Stockholm
2 19th-century art
2 2006 in Zoo Osnabrück
2 2008 in Nuremberg
2 2010 in Isselburg
2 Animal abuse
2 Animal products in Chinese medicine
2 Animal siblings
2 Animals fed by hand
2 Animals in Zoo Osnabrück
2 Animals in trees
2 Animals looking at viewer
2 Animals looking up
2 Animals with basketball balls
2 Ansbacher Straße (Berlin-Schöneberg)
2 Arctic National Wildlife Refuge
2 Arctic sea ice
2 Attilastraße (Berlin-Tempelhof)
2 Avenue of Stars, Hong Kong
2 Beach of Saranda
2 Bear costumes
2 Bear guiding (rite) in Romania
2 Bears acting as humans in art
2 Bears in Heimat-Tierpark Olderdissen Bielefeld
2 Bears in Sofia
2 Birmingham Town Hall
2 Bright Week in Russia
2 British Army divisional insignia
2 Budapester Straße (Berlin-Charlottenburg)
2 Buddy Bears in Berlin-Dahlem
2 Buddy Bears in Berlin-Halensee
2 Buddy Bears in Berlin-Steglitz
2 Buddy Bears in Berlin-Tegel
2 Buddy Bears in Berlin-Tempelhof
2 Buddy Bears in Berlin-Wannsee
2 Buddy Bears in Berlin-Wedding
2 Buddy Bears in Sofia
2 Buddy Bears in Wandlitz
2 Carnivora in Tennoji Zoo
2 Cetacea bones
2 Charles Livingston Bull
2 Cultural heritage monuments in Buenos Aires
2 Cycling in Germany
2 Diving animals
2 Film Fun, 1919
2 Französische Straße (Berlin-Mitte)
2 Friedrichstraße (Berlin-Mitte)
2 Giant panda bones
2 Hardenbergplatz (Berlin-Tiergarten)
2 Harris & Ewing Collection
2 Harry Colebourn
2 Heiss Island
2 Helarctos malayanus
2 Henderson Lake (Lethbridge)
2 Hessische Straße (Berlin-Mitte)
2 High-resolution TIFF images from the National Archives and Records Administration
2 History of medicine
2 Hohenzollerndamm (Berlin-Wilmersdorf)
2 Horace M. Albright
2 Images from the New York Public Library
2 Insignia of the British Army
2 Josef Tabachnyk
2 July 2010 in Taiwan
2 Kaliningrad Zoo
2 Kamenzer Damm (Berlin-Lankwitz)
2 Klingelhöferstraße (Berlin-Tiergarten)
2 Kufri
2 Liefdefjorden
2 Ling Ling
2 Los-Angeles-Platz (Berlin-Charlottenburg)
2 Lying animals
2 Male bears
2 Mammal specimens
2 Mammals at Skansen Zoo
2 Mammals at Tierpark Hagenbeck
2 Mammals in Chhatbir Zoo
2 Mammals in Chiang Mai Zoo
2 Mammals in Dudley Zoo
2 Mammals in Moscow Zoo
2 Mammals in Museum für Naturkunde Berlin
2 Mammals in Nandankanan Zoo
2 Mammals in Zoologischer Garten Berlin
2 Mammals in the Denver Zoo
2 Mammals in the Jim Corbett National Park
2 Mammals of Bavaria
2 Mammals of Himachal Pradesh
2 Mammals of Rajasthan
2 Mammals of the Soviet Union Volume 2 Part 1a
2 Marlene-Dietrich-Platz (Berlin-Tiergarten)
2 May 1975 in Sweden
2 Minnesota Zoo
2 Montages of Carnivora
2 Monuments and memorials in Żagań
2 Mount Kurai (Gifu)
2 Mummers Play in Russia
2 NYPL Stereoscopic views of parks and cemeteries in Chicago
2 Nationaal Songfestival 1973
2 Nature in unprotected areas in Macedonia
2 November 1999 in Canada
2 Otto-Suhr-Allee (Berlin-Charlottenburg)
2 Pagophilus groenlandicus
2 Patuxent Wildlife Research Center
2 Penza Zoo
2 People in 1943
2 People of Pushkar
2 People sitting at tables
2 People with goats in art
2 Petrogradskaya Embankment
2 Photographs by Abraham Pisarek from 1945
2 Photographs by George A. Grant
2 Photographs by Rob Croes
2 Photographs by van Duinen
2 Photos by Joseph Kotulič,animals
2 Point Defiance Zoo & Aquarium
2 Polar bears on stamps
2 Polar bears with prey
2 Ports and harbours (unidentified)
2 Pt. G.B. Pant High Altitude Zoo, Nainital
2 Rio Grande Zoo
2 Roger Williams Park Zoo
2 Running bears
2 Russian Arctic National Park
2 Réserve africaine de Sigean
2 Scharrenstraße (Berlin-Mitte)
2 Scientists at work
2 Sculptures in Berlin-Schöneberg
2 Sculptures in Berlin-Tiergarten
2 Sculptures in Berlin-Wedding
2 Sedated bears
2 Skandinavisk Dyrepark
2 Skomorokhs
2 Snow in West Virginia
2 St. Nicholas, 1920
2 Statues of polar bears in Germany
2 Su Lin
2 Sylvia de Leur
2 Taipei Zoo
2 Taxidermied Panthera leo
2 Taxidermied Panthera tigris altaica
2 Taxidermied jaguars
2 Taxidermied mammal displays
2 Taxidermied mammals in the Musée zoologique de Strasbourg
2 The American Museum Journal (1917)
2 Tsim Sha Tsui Promenade
2 Turquoise water
2 U.S. English pronunciation
2 Ukkusiksalik National Park
2 Ursidae in Taipei zoo
2 Ursus americanus in zoos
2 Ursus arctos arctos
2 Ursus arctos arctos (juvenile)
2 Ursus arctos arctos in Wildpark Poing
2 Ursus arctos eating
2 Ursus arctos heads
2 Ursus maritimus (illustrations)
2 Ursus maritimus anatomy
2 Ursus maritimus in Churchill, Manitoba
2 Ursus maritimus in Copenhagen Zoo
2 Ursus maritimus in Greenland
2 Ursus maritimus in Highland Wildlife Park
2 Ursus maritimus in Nunavut
2 Ursus maritimus in Russia
2 Ursus maritimus in Schönbrunn Zoo
2 Ursus maritimus in Toronto Zoo
2 Ursus maritimus in Zoo de La Flèche
2 Ursus maritimus in Zoologischer Garten Berlin
2 Ursus maritimus in the San Francisco Zoo
2 Ursus maritimus in the United States
2 Ursus maritimus, Andöyane, Liefdefjorden
2 Ursus spelaeus fossils
2 Ursus spelaeus skeletal mounts
2 Ursus thibetanus (museum specimens)
2 Ursus thibetanus at Artis
2 Videos at Zoologischer Garten Berlin
2 Videos from Manitoba
2 Videos of 1999
2 Videos of 2007
2 Videos of 2018
2 Videos of Zoo de la Flèche
2 Wet animals
2 William Frederick Witherington
2 World War II submarine crews of Germany
2 Yakutsk Zoo
2 Yuan Zai
2 Zoopark Chelyabinsk
1 1555 in art
1 1647 engravings
1 16th-century engravings
1 17th-century prints in the National Museum in Warsaw
1 1810 in art
1 1822 paintings
1 1865 paintings
1 1868 in science
1 1869 engravings
1 1874 in the Russian Empire
1 1895 photographs
1 18th-century dancers
1 1900 in Bagnères-de-Luchon
1 1900 in Seattle
1 1900s photographs of Lincoln Park Zoo
1 1900s photographs of polar bears
1 1903 books
1 1903 in Brisbane
1 1912 books
1 1912 in Beijing
1 1922 in Wyoming
1 1922 photographs
1 1922 photographs of the United States
1 1930s postcards of Norway
1 1934 in Edinburgh
1 1934 portrait photographs
1 1936 photographs
1 1953 in Bergen, Norway
1 1962 photographs by Paolo Monti
1 1990 in Bulgaria
1 1990 in road transport
1 1992 sculptures in Canada
1 1996 in Nunavut
1 1997 in Winnipeg
1 19th-century engravings
1 19th-century men of Finland
1 2005 in Berlin
1 2005 in Lichtenberg (district of Berlin)
1 2006 in Lichtenberg (district of Berlin)
1 2006 in Manitoba
1 2006 in Nyköping Municipality
1 2006-12-05
1 2007 in Isselburg
1 2007 in Källunge
1 2008 Sichuan earthquake
1 2008 in Berlin
1 2008 in Lichtenberg (district of Berlin)
1 2008 photographs
1 2008 stamps of Germany
1 2009 in Lichtenberg (district of Berlin)
1 2011 animal births
1 2011 in Berlin
1 2012 in Berlin
1 2015 in Svalbard
1 2017 Summer Universiade
1 2017 Summer Universiade Visual Design i-Voting
1 2017 sculptures
1 20th-century group portrait photographs from Slovenia
1 49th (West Riding) Infantry Division
1 Abraham Hondius
1 Acrobat animals
1 Advertising columns in Lichtenberg (district of Berlin)
1 Ailuropoda melanoleuca cages
1 Ailuropoda melanoleuca in San Diego Zoo
1 Ailuropoda melanoleuca in Ueno Zoo
1 Akha people in Thailand
1 Alaska North Slope
1 Alaska Peninsula
1 Alden Dawson
1 Alta museum
1 Am Großen Wannsee (Berlin-Wannsee)
1 Am Stichkanal (Berlin-Lichterfelde)
1 American Animals (Stone & Cram)
1 An der Urania (Berlin-Schöneberg)
1 Anchors in art
1 Andreas Pirot
1 André Schüle
1 Animal attacks
1 Animal blood
1 Animal families
1 Animal feet
1 Animal limb comparisons
1 Animal models
1 Animal sanctuaries
1 Animal skeletal system
1 Animal trainers
1 Animal triplets
1 Animals and trees
1 Animals eating
1 Animals eating carrots
1 Animals hunting in art
1 Animals in Monde Sauvage d'Aywaille
1 Animals in Ménagerie du Jardin des Plantes
1 Animals in ZOOM Erlebniswelt
1 Animals in Zoo Halle
1 Animals in action; studies and stories of beasts, birds and reptiles; their habits, their homes and their peculiarities (1901)
1 Animals in aviation
1 Animals in hammocks
1 Animals in zoos in Bangladesh
1 Animals of China
1 Animals of Finnmark
1 Animals of Great Himalayan National Park
1 Animals of Kodiak Island
1 Animals of Mount Norikura
1 Animals of Mulhouse
1 Animals of Samsun Province
1 Animals of Sikkim
1 Animals of the Sierra Nevada (United States)
1 Animals on grass
1 Animals on stamps of Azerbaijan
1 Animals sitting on other animals
1 Animals smelling flowers
1 Animals sticking out the tongue
1 Annual report - New York Zoological Society (1906)
1 Annual report - New York Zoological Society (1920)
1 Annual report of the American Museum of Natural History (1901)
1 Annual reports of the New York Zoological Society
1 Annual reports of the New York Zoological Society (1897)
1 Anori (polar bear)
1 Anthony Fiala
1 April 2006 in Södermanland County
1 April 2010 in Moscow
1 Archives in the United Kingdom
1 Arctic expedition SS München
1 Arctic expeditions
1 Arlecchino (opera)
1 Art'otel Berlin Kudamm
1 Arundel
1 Assiniboine Park Zoo
1 Audio files of Ursus maritimus
1 August 1996 in Canada
1 August 2007 in Gotland
1 August 2014 Germany photographs
1 August Jernberg
1 Augustenburger Platz (Berlin-Wedding)
1 Balaena mysticetus
1 Barents Sea
1 Baroque and Classicist paintings in the Schlossmuseum Weimar
1 Baturaja
1 Bayern Express & P. Kühn Berlin
1 Bear fur-skins
1 Bear guiding (rite) in Bulgaria
1 Bear hunting
1 Bear hunting in art
1 Bear skulls
1 Bear trap
1 Bear wrestling
1 Bear-resistant equipment
1 Bears and music
1 Bears in Bulgaria
1 Bears in Canada
1 Bears in Glacier National Park
1 Bears in Great Smoky Mountains National Park
1 Bears in Norway
1 Bears in Romania
1 Bears in Slovenia
1 Bears in Spain
1 Bears in music
1 Bears of Laos
1 Bears of Saint Petersburg
1 Bears on stamps of Germany
1 Beaulieu-sous-la-Roche
1 Becharof National Wildlife Refuge
1 Beiersdorf
1 Belarusian Embassy, Berlin
1 Bell 206L
1 Berdyansk Zoo
1 Bergen harbour
1 Berlin-Borsigwalde
1 Berliner Baugenossenschaft
1 Berliner Straße (Berlin-Tegel)
1 Biogeographical maps of the world
1 Birds of Alaska
1 Bitola Zoo
1 Bjørneparken
1 Black and white photographs in the 1900s
1 Black and white photographs of Brisbane
1 Blue Man Group
1 Blue sculptures
1 Book illustrations
1 Botschaft von Kirgistan in Berlin
1 Bottle feeding (animals)
1 Box rigid trucks
1 British Army in World War II
1 Brown bears at Warsaw Zoo
1 Bruno di Martino
1 Budapester Straße (Berlin-Tiergarten)
1 Buddy Bears in Berlin-Britz
1 Buddy Bears in Berlin-Buch
1 Buddy Bears in Berlin-Friedrichshain
1 Buddy Bears in Berlin-Grunewald
1 Buddy Bears in Berlin-Hakenfelde
1 Buddy Bears in Berlin-Hansaviertel
1 Buddy Bears in Berlin-Haselhorst
1 Buddy Bears in Berlin-Lichtenberg
1 Buddy Bears in Berlin-Mariendorf
1 Buddy Bears in Berlin-Neukölln
1 Buddy Bears in Berlin-Nikolassee
1 Buddy Bears in Berlin-Plänterwald
1 Buddy Bears in Berlin-Prenzlauer Berg
1 Buddy Bears in Berlin-Reinickendorf
1 Buddy Bears in Berlin-Schmargendorf
1 Buddy Bears in Berlin-Spandau
1 Buddy Bears in Berlin-Westend
1 Buddy Bears in Berlin-Zehlendorf
1 Buddy Bears in Cairo
1 Buddy Bears in Chile
1 Buddy Bears in France
1 Buddy Bears in Jerusalem
1 Buddy Bears in Saint Petersburg
1 Buddy Bears in Vienna
1 Buddy Bears in Warsaw
1 Buildings in Yellowstone National Park
1 Bundesministerium der Verteidigung
1 Buteo buteo (captive)
1 Bärenpark Bern
1 Bärenwald Arbesbach
1 Cabbage
1 Cades Cove
1 Cages in San Diego Zoo
1 Cambridge Natural History, Mammalia
1 Camera viewfinders
1 Cameras
1 Canis lupus arctos
1 Cape Flora
1 Carpets by Jazep Drazdovič
1 Cassell's natural history
1 Cat Tien National Park
1 Cavemen
1 Centre d'observation de la faune et d'interprétation de l'agriculture de Falardeau
1 Cervus canadensis (museum specimens)
1 Chained animals
1 Charlottenburger Chaussee (Berlin-Spandau)
1 Child labour
1 Children of France
1 Chimney sweeps
1 Christmas in Russia
1 Christmas traditions
1 Christmastide in Ukraine
1 Churches in Gotland photographed in 2007
1 Churchill, Manitoba
1 Cigarette smoking
1 Circus in Australia
1 Circus in art
1 City walls of Wiener Neustadt
1 Claws
1 Clayallee (Berlin-Dahlem)
1 Clifton Park Museum
1 Collection Gugelmann
1 Collection of Wild Life at Thinktank, Birmingham
1 Collections of Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences
1 Collections of the Museum of Veterinary Anatomy FMVZ USP
1 Collections of the Musée de la chasse et de la nature
1 Collections of the Vancouver Public Library Central Branch
1 Colonie Alsen
1 Colville River (Alaska)
1 Conservation
1 Council House, Birmingham
1 Crying animals
1 Culture of Brisbane
1 Culture of Kyrgyzstan
1 Culture of Occitania
1 Czech pronunciation
1 Dachigam Rescue Centre
1 Daen Lao Range
1 Dalarna
1 Dance in art
1 Dancing animals in art
1 Dead bears
1 Dead fish
1 Denali National Park
1 Descriptions of animals in the Silesian Zoological Garden
1 Deutsche Bank in Berlin
1 Deutsches Schifffahrtsmuseum
1 Dioramas in Italy
1 Dioramas in the American Museum of Natural History
1 Dirk Michaelis
1 Dobutsugaku zasshi
1 Dogs
1 Dogs of Washington (state)
1 Dolgor Ser-Od
1 Dormitory at Kloster Bebenhausen
1 Drift ice
1 Dulhazra Safari Park
1 ETH-BIB Leo Wehrli - Reproductions
1 Ear tags
1 Easter in Russia
1 Ebertstraße (Berlin-Mitte)
1 Edinburgh journal of natural history and of the physical sciences (1835)
1 Egyptian Embassy, Berlin
1 Eichkatzweg (Berlin-Westend)
1 Eiffel Tower from Champ-de-Mars in the 2010s
1 Eiffel Tower in 2012
1 Embassies in Berlin
1 Embassies in Germany
1 Embassies of Kyrgyzstan
1 Ercé
1 Erignathus barbatus
1 Erithacus rubecula (taxidermied)
1 Ernst Krenkel Observatory
1 Etchings in the Wellcome Collection
1 Etchings of animals in the Wellcome Collection
1 Evelyn Greeley
1 Events in Vendée
1 Everyday life in art
1 Exercise Min An No. 3 and Jin Hua for the 2017 Summer Universiade in Taipei
1 Facades of InterContinental Hong Kong
1 Fairy tale illustrations
1 Farmers
1 Fashion in 1900
1 Fatigue in animals
1 Featured pictures by Christopher Michel
1 Feeding animals
1 Festzug (Rutenfest Ravensburg)
1 Finckensteinallee (Berlin-Lichterfelde)
1 Firewood
1 Fish (food)
1 Floating animals
1 Flora in Mount Norikura
1 Flotowstraße (Berlin-Hansaviertel)
1 Flower bouquets
1 Folk costume of Shebekinsky District
1 Fonds Trutat - Muséum de Toulouse
1 Forststraße (Berlin-Zehlendorf)
1 Fountains in Kuala Lumpur
1 Four-footed Americans and their kin
1 Foxes in art
1 Frank C. Papé
1 Franklinstraße (Berlin-Charlottenburg)
1 François Nicholas Riss
1 Frederick Stuart Church
1 French pronunciation of words relating to mammals
1 Friedrich Brentel - Drawings
1 Friedrich Preller der Ältere
1 Friedrich Specht - mammal illustrations
1 Fringilla coelebs (museum specimens)
1 Fritz van der Venne
1 Front of smartphones
1 Front views of trucks
1 Fuggerstraße (Berlin-Schöneberg)
1 Funerals in Germany
1 Fur costumes in 2006
1 Fur fashion in 1982
1 Gartenlaube (1871)
1 Genre paintings from Switzerland
1 George Botsford
1 Georgiy Sedov
1 Georgiy Sedov's expedition in Arkhangelsk
1 Gießen
1 Girls
1 Gobelins of Germany
1 Goerzallee (Berlin-Lichterfelde)
1 Gorkistraße (Berlin-Tegel)
1 Gottfried Mind
1 Gradestraße (Berlin-Britz)
1 Group portraits with 3 people
1 Grunewaldstraße (Berlin-Steglitz)
1 Hallo Bay
1 Hand-colored photographs
1 Hansablickbär
1 Hardenbergstraße (Berlin-Charlottenburg)
1 Hares in art
1 Harry Furniss
1 Hartmannstraße (Berlin-Lichterfelde)
1 Hausvogteiplatz (Berlin-Mitte)
1 Hearts in art
1 Heidelberger Platz (Berlin-Wilmersdorf)
1 Heimat-Tierpark Olderdissen Bielefeld
1 Heinrich Dathe
1 Helgolandstraße (Berlin-Wilmersdorf)
1 Helsinki Lutheran Cathedral
1 Henry Vilas Zoo
1 Henryk Jordan Park
1 Hibernation
1 Hidden Ocean 2005 Expedition
1 Himalayan Zoological Park
1 Hinlopenstretet
1 Historia de gentibus septentrionalibus
1 Historical images depicting Bulgarian culture
1 Historical images of Basel by Paolo Monti
1 Historical images of Istanbul
1 Historical images of Myanmar
1 Historical images of Samsun
1 Historical images of Šmarca
1 History of Brisbane
1 History of Punjab, India
1 History of Siberia
1 History of Transylvania
1 History of Zoologischer Garten Berlin
1 History paintings by Viktor Vasnetsov
1 Holy Week in Russia
1 Hormozgan Province
1 Horse-drawn wagons in Bulgaria
1 Hotels in Washington (state)
1 Hunting
1 Hunting and trapping stories; a book for boys (1903)
1 Hunting in Sweden
1 Hunting in art of India
1 Hurdy-gurdy players in art
1 Ibero-Amerikanisches Institut
1 Ice floes
1 Illinois postcards by Tichnor Brothers
1 Images from Pictura Paedagogica
1 Images from The Tacoma Times
1 Images from Vsemirnaya Illyustratsia (magazine)
1 Images from Wiki Loves Monuments 2017 in the United States contest ineligible
1 In den Kisseln
1 In den Neuen Gärten (Berlin-Lankwitz)
1 Individual bears
1 Individual polar bears
1 Information boards in Lichtenberg (district of Berlin)
1 Interior of CosmoCaixa Barcelona
1 Interior of Schloss Langenburg
1 Interior views of Waldburg (castle)
1 Invalidenstraße (Berlin-Moabit)
1 It's a Bear (1919 film)
1 Izhevsk Zoo
1 J. Wesley Van der Voort
1 January 2016 in Warsaw
1 Japanese Canadian Photography Collection
1 Jenaer Straße (Berlin-Wilmersdorf)
1 Jesters in engravings
1 Joachim-Karnatz-Allee (Berlin-Moabit)
1 John-F.-Kennedy-Schule
1 Julius-Leber-Kaserne (Berlin)
1 July 1997 in Canada
1 July 2005 in Alaska
1 July 2006 Norway photographs
1 Jumping salmon
1 June 2015 Norway photographs
1 Justizvollzugsanstalt Moabit
1 Kalatop Khajjiar Sanctuary
1 Karl-Liebknecht-Straße (Berlin-Mitte)
1 Karl-Marx-Straße (Berlin-Neukölln)
1 Karlsbader Straße (Berlin-Schmargendorf)
1 Karlsplatz, Vienna
1 Katmai National Park
1 Kenai National Wildlife Refuge
1 Kenai Peninsula Borough, Alaska
1 Kharkiv Zoo
1 Kindergarten in Warsaw
1 Knesebeckstraße (Berlin-Charlottenburg)
1 Knobelsdorff-Schule (Berlin)
1 Kuang Si Falls
1 Kurfürstendamm (Berlin-Halensee)
1 Kurfürstenstraße (Berlin-Tiergarten)
1 Kurt-Schumacher-Damm (Berlin-Wedding)
1 Kutepov's hunting - illustrations (Volume 1)
1 Kálmán Kittenberger Botanical Garden and Zoo
1 Kârale Andreassen
1 Källunge kyrka
1 Köpenicker Straße (Berlin-Mitte)
1 Lake and Peninsula Borough, Alaska
1 Lankwitzer Straße (Berlin-Mariendorf)
1 Larus glaucescens
1 Ledra Street checkpoint
1 Lennéstraße (Berlin-Tiergarten)
1 Leo Tolstoy's Museum (Moscow, Lev Tolstoy Street)
1 Lions Gate (Zoologischer Garten Berlin)
1 Lithuanian Zoo
1 Littenstraße (Berlin-Mitte)
1 Lobanov-Rostovsky collection
1 Logging
1 Luckauer Straße (Berlin)
1 Luisenstraße (Berlin-Mitte)
1 Lutz Brandt
1 Lützowplatz (Berlin-Tiergarten)
1 Maceration at Museum of Veterinary Anatomy FMVZ USP
1 Malanka (slavic festival)
1 Male folk headgear of Russia
1 Male fur headgear
1 Male national costumes of Russia in art
1 Males with animals
1 Mammal feet
1 Mammal hair
1 Mammal nests
1 Mammal skin
1 Mammalia (male)
1 Mammalia in right lateral aspect
1 Mammals at Hrodna Zoo
1 Mammals at SeaWorld Orlando
1 Mammals hunting
1 Mammals in Basel Zoo
1 Mammals in Copenhagen Zoo
1 Mammals in Edinburgh Zoo
1 Mammals in Henry Doorly Zoo
1 Mammals in Jacksonville Zoo
1 Mammals in Jardim Zoológico de Lisboa
1 Mammals in Kathmandu Zoo
1 Mammals in Kiev Zoo
1 Mammals in Kolmården Zoo
1 Mammals in Mykolaiv Zoo
1 Mammals in Oregon Zoo
1 Mammals in Trivandrum Zoo
1 Mammals in Ueno Zoo
1 Mammals in Woodland Park Zoo
1 Mammals in Zoo Heidelberg
1 Mammals in the Beijing Zoo
1 Mammals in zoos in India
1 Mammals of Albania
1 Mammals of Arkhangelsk Oblast
1 Mammals of Bangladesh
1 Mammals of Brisbane
1 Mammals of Canada
1 Mammals of Grand Teton National Park
1 Mammals of Iran
1 Mammals of Jasper National Park
1 Mammals of Montana
1 Mammals of Norway
1 Mammals of Saint Louis Zoological Park
1 Mammals of Saint Petersburg
1 Mammals of Shenandoah National Park
1 Mammals of Taiwan
1 Mammals of Uttarakhand
1 Mammals of Washington (state)
1 Mammals on white background
1 Maps of Tierpark Berlin
1 March 2010 in Switzerland
1 Marineland d'Antibes
1 Markgrafenstraße (Berlin-Mitte)
1 Marriott hotels
1 Mascots of Taiwan
1 Maslenitsa in Russia
1 Maud (ship, 1917)
1 Mechanical Theatre Hellbrunn
1 Media circus
1 Meinekestraße (Berlin-Wilmersdorf)
1 Melursus ursinus in National Zoological Park Delhi
1 Melursus ursinus in the Daroji Sloth Bear Sanctuary

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