1,277 |
Flickr images reviewed by FlickreviewR |
876 |
CC-BY-2.0 |
848 |
CC-BY-SA-2.0 |
473 |
Pages with maps |
453 |
Media with locations |
217 |
Photographs by Gage Skidmore |
181 |
Flickr images reviewed by FlickreviewR 2 |
149 |
Self-published work |
137 |
Flickr images reviewed by File Upload Bot (Magnus Manske) |
85 |
CC-BY-SA-3.0 |
63 |
CC-BY-SA-4.0 |
63 |
Files with coordinates missing SDC location of creation |
61 |
Extracted images |
51 |
Photos uploaded from Flickr by Fæ using a script |
49 |
Flickr images reviewed by trusted users |
45 |
Files from Flickr's 'The Commons' |
45 |
Photographs by Kalamazoo Library |
43 |
Images from Geograph Britain and Ireland |
42 |
Taken with Canon EOS 5D Mark II |
40 |
Photographs by Tony Shek |
38 |
35 |
Images with extracted images |
34 |
Photographs by vagueonthehow |
32 |
License migration redundant |
29 |
Files with coordinates missing SDC location of creation (51° N, 4° W) |
29 |
Flickr images missing SDC creator |
28 |
Personality rights warning |
26 |
Photographs by Chris Sampson |
20 |
Photos uploaded by Rept0n1x |
18 |
Information field template with formatting |
18 |
Items with OTRS permission confirmed |
17 |
Photographs by Pikawil |
16 |
Retouched pictures |
15 |
CC-BY-SA-2.5 |
15 |
Derivative versions |
15 |
Files from Ben Sutherland Flickr stream |
15 |
Files with coordinates missing SDC location of creation (50° N, 4° E) |
15 |
Flickr images verified by UploadWizard |
15 |
Images with annotations |
13 |
CC-Zero |
13 |
Files from Steve Collis Flickr stream |
13 |
PD textlogo |
13 |
Photographs of cosplay by Doug Kline |
12 |
2019 photographs by Miguel Discart |
12 |
CC-BY-SA-3.0-DE |
12 |
Cosplay at Brussels Comic Con 2019 with bad file names |
12 |
Images by RaBoe |
12 |
Photographs by Roger Murmann |
12 |
Photographs taken on 2019-03-03 |
12 |
Taken with Sony ILCE-6500 |
11 |
CC-BY-3.0 |
11 |
Flickr images uploaded by Flickr upload bot |
11 |
Media needing category review as of 1 April 2016 |
11 |
Photographs by Marnie Ann Joyce |
11 |
Video display resolution 480 x 360 |
11 |
With trademark |
10 |
Flickr images missing SDC source of file |
10 |
License migration completed |
10 |
Photographs by Chris Favero |
10 |
Taken with Nikon D90 |
9 |
PD-user |
9 |
Taken with Fujifilm FinePix S2750HD |
8 |
Flickr images missing SDC inception |
8 |
Panoramio files uploaded by Panoramio upload bot |
8 |
Panoramio images reviewed by trusted users |
8 |
Photographs by Gary Bembridge |
8 |
Photographs by Pat Loika |
8 |
Photos from Panoramio |
8 |
With costume |
7 |
CC-BY-SA-3.0,2.5,2.0,1.0 |
7 |
CC-BY-SA-3.0-migrated-with-disclaimers |
7 |
Photographs by William Tung |
7 |
Taken with Samsung WB690 |
7 |
Text logos |
7 |
United Kingdom photographs taken on 2011-03-05 |
7 |
Uploaded with derivativeFX |
6 |
CC-BY-2.5 |
6 |
Files moved from en.wikipedia to Commons requiring review as of 9 July 2013 |
6 |
Files uploaded with For the Common Good |
6 |
Files with coordinates missing SDC location of creation (52° N, 3° W) |
6 |
Flickr files uploaded by User:Frozeficent as of 31 July 2014 |
6 |
FoP-United Kingdom |
6 |
Photographs by Annette Wamser |
6 |
Photographs by Paul Hudson |
6 |
Photographs by Sheba Also |
6 |
Photos by User:BrokenSphere |
6 |
SVG text logos |
6 |
Uploaded by user Clusternote |
5 |
Files from Genevieve Flickr stream |
5 |
Files with coordinates missing SDC location of creation (51° N, 1° W) |
5 |
GFDL-en |
5 |
Photographs by Ewen Roberts |
5 |
Photographs by John Manard |
5 |
Taken with Vivitar ViviCam 3715 |
5 |
User-created GFDL images |
4 |
CC-BY-SA-3.0-migrated |
4 |
Files with coordinates missing SDC location of creation (53° N, 3° W) |
4 |
Files with no machine-readable source |
4 |
Flickr files uploaded by User:Quenhitran as of 1 September 2014 |
4 |
Freedom of panorama works possibly copyrighted in the U.S. |
4 |
Media supported by Wikimedia France |
4 |
Photographs by Tony Hisgett |
4 |
Photos by Jack1956 |
4 |
Taken with Canon EOS 50D |
4 |
Taken with Fujifilm DX-10 |
4 |
Template Unknown (author) |
3 |
Files from Andy Hay Flickr stream |
3 |
Files moved to Commons by BetacommandBot |
3 |
Images by Danie Ware |
3 |
Images taken by Law Keven |
3 |
Media needing category review as of 6 December 2015 |
3 |
Ogv videos |
3 |
PD-self |
3 |
Photographs by Docking Bay 93 |
3 |
Photographs by Eva Rinaldi |
3 |
Photographs taken on 2009-08-29 |
3 |
Photos from Panoramio ID 6017687 |
3 |
Taken with Technika SH-A366 |
3 |
United States photographs taken on 2017-02-18 |
3 |
Uploaded by JoKalliauer |
3 |
Vector version available |
2 |
Bitmap version available |
2 |
CC-BY-4.0 |
2 |
CC-BY-SA-4.0,3.0,2.5,2.0,1.0 |
2 |
Files from Eva Rinaldi Flickr stream |
2 |
Files from Theresa Arzadon-Labajo flickr stream |
2 |
Files from jareed Flickr stream |
2 |
Files with coordinates missing SDC location of creation (54° N, 2° W) |
2 |
Files with no machine-readable author |
2 |
Flickr files uploaded by User:Quenhitran as of 25-26-27 June 2014 |
2 |
GFDL-disclaimers |
2 |
Images from Geograph Britain and Ireland missing SDC MIME type |
2 |
License migration opt-out |
2 |
London photographs taken on 2023-11-24 |
2 |
Media needing category review as of 5 December 2015 |
2 |
Non-photos created by User:Suntooooth |
2 |
Photographs by Amy Ratcliffe |
2 |
Photographs by Jeffrey Pardoen |
2 |
Photographs by Oliver Ayala |
2 |
Photographs by Philafrenzy |
2 |
Photographs by Richie S |
2 |
Photographs by Roland Tanglao |
2 |
Photographs by S. Pakhrin |
2 |
Photographs taken on 2006-06-24 |
2 |
Photographs taken on 2021-08-29 |
2 |
Taken with Panasonic Lumix DMC-FZ150 |
2 |
United Kingdom photographs taken on 2008-10-29 |
2 |
United States photographs taken on 2017-02-25 |
2 |
Uploaded with LrMediaWiki |
2 |
Uploaded with Mobile/Android |
2 |
User:Esby/all |
2 |
Valid SVG created with Inkscape-hand:Logos |
2 |
Valid SVG created with Text Editor |
2 |
Vectorizations |
2 |
Video display resolution 1280 x 720 |
1 |
2005 Geograph images |
1 |
2016 photographs of cosplay by Miguel Discart |
1 |
2019 photographs of cosplay by Miguel Discart |
1 |
Alsace photographs taken on 2024-02-03 |
1 |
Artworks without Wikidata item |
1 |
Assumed own work |
1 |
CC-BY-3.0-BR |
1 |
CC-BY-SA-2.5,2.0,1.0 |
1 |
Created with DxO PhotoLab |
1 |
Crop for Wikidata |
1 |
De minimis |
1 |
Dublin photographs taken on 2016-05-01 |
1 |
Files from Bryan Partington Flickr stream |
1 |
Files from Claire H. Flickr stream |
1 |
Files from Cosplay Vogue1 Flickr stream |
1 |
Files from Flickr with bad file names |
1 |
Files from Howard Dickins Flickr stream |
1 |
Files from Ibsan73 Flickr stream |
1 |
Files from Jeremy Keith Flickr stream |
1 |
Files from Louise Docker Flickr stream |
1 |
Files from May S. Young Flickr stream |
1 |
Files from Sam Howzit Flickr stream |
1 |
Files from Steve Rainwater Flickr stream |
1 |
Files from TATE'S Comics, Inc Flickr stream |
1 |
Files from chrisjortiz Flickr stream |
1 |
Files moved from en.wikipedia to Commons requiring review as of 22 January 2012 |
1 |
Files moved from en.wikipedia to Commons requiring review as of 8 February 2010 |
1 |
Files uploaded by User:Ytoyoda |
1 |
Files with coordinates missing SDC location of creation (48° N, 7° E) |
1 |
Files with coordinates missing SDC location of creation (50° N, 1° W) |
1 |
Files with coordinates missing SDC location of creation (51° N, 0° E) |
1 |
Files with coordinates missing SDC location of creation (53° N, 2° W) |
1 |
Files with coordinates missing SDC location of creation (55° N, 4° W) |
1 |
Finland photographs taken on 2016-07-30 |
1 |
Flickr files uploaded by Red panda bot |
1 |
Flickr files uploaded by User:Quenhitran as of 28 June 2014 |
1 |
Flickr files uploaded by User:Quenhitran as of 29 June 2014 |
1 |
GFDL-1.2 |
1 |
GFDL-1.3 |
1 |
Geograph images in Cardiff |
1 |
Geograph images in Cheshire |
1 |
Geograph images in Greater Manchester |
1 |
Geograph images in Monmouthshire |
1 |
Geograph images in North Somerset |
1 |
Geograph images in the London Borough of Southwark |
1 |
Image by Chris Light |
1 |
Images by Aaron Thomas |
1 |
Images by Basher Eyre |
1 |
Images by DS Pugh |
1 |
Images by Espresso Addict |
1 |
Images by Hywel Williams |
1 |
Images by Loz Pycock |
1 |
Images by Martin Dawes |
1 |
Images by Mike Quinn |
1 |
Images by Oast House Archive |
1 |
Images by Peter Trimming |
1 |
Images by PierreSelim |
1 |
Images by Rich Tea |
1 |
Images by Richard Croft |
1 |
Images by Richard Leeming |
1 |
Images from Geograph Britain and Ireland missing SDC coordinates of the point of view |
1 |
Images from Geograph needing category review as of 17 May 2011 |
1 |
Images of people replacing placeholders |
1 |
Images supported by Wikimedia France scholarship for Wikimania 2014 |
1 |
Images uploaded by User:Nehrams2020 |
1 |
Images uploaded by User:Thibaultmol |
1 |
Import by User:Slick |
1 |
Items with VRTS permission confirmed |
1 |
JPG images that should use vector graphics |
1 |
License reviewed by YouTubeReviewBot |
1 |
Listed buildings in England with known IDs |
1 |
London photographs taken on 2013-05-26 |
1 |
London photographs taken on 2023-11-03 |
1 |
London photographs taken on 2024-07-10 |
1 |
London photographs taken on 2024-07-20 |
1 |
Media from Work With Sounds |
1 |
Media from YouTube |
1 |
Media lacking a description |
1 |
Media missing infobox template |
1 |
Media needing category review as of 26 April 2011 |
1 |
Media needing category review as of 6 November 2016 |
1 |
Media needing category review in use at en.wikipedia |
1 |
Media needing category review with 6 suggested categories |
1 |
Media of the day |
1 |
OGL v1.0 |
1 |
PD ineligible |
1 |
PD text |
1 |
Path text SVG |
1 |
Photographs by Agencia Brasil |
1 |
Photographs by Christopher Brown |
1 |
Photographs by Cory Doctorow |
1 |
Photographs by D Eaketts |
1 |
Photographs by Duncan Harris |
1 |
Photographs by Edward Hands |
1 |
Photographs by Elliott Brown |
1 |
Photographs by George Young |
1 |
Photographs by Leon Brocard |
1 |
Photographs by Les Chatfield |
1 |
Photographs by Mooshuu |
1 |
Photographs by Neon Tommy |
1 |
Photographs by Peter Collins |
1 |
Photographs by Richard Bowen |
1 |
Photographs by Rovena Rosa |
1 |
Photographs by Terry Robinson |
1 |
Photographs by Thomas's Pics at NEC Classic Motor Show 2015 |
1 |
Photographs by claynferno |
1 |
Photographs by gdcgraphics (Gordon Correll) |
1 |
Photographs taken on 2010-04-06 |
1 |
Photographs taken on 2010-12-06 |
1 |
Photographs taken on 2014-08-22 |
1 |
Photographs taken on 2014-11-30 |
1 |
Photographs taken on 2015-05-25 |
1 |
Photographs taken on 2016-05-11 |
1 |
Photographs taken on 2016-05-13 |
1 |
Photographs taken on 2016-08-19 |
1 |
Photos by ComputerHotline |
1 |
Photos by Mike Peel using a Canon EOS 60D |
1 |
Photos by Mike Peel using a Canon EOS 90D |
1 |
Photos by Niccolò Caranti |
1 |
Photos in Flickr Explore |
1 |
SVG files to be drawn by hand:Logos |
1 |
Scanned with Fujifilm SP-2000 |
1 |
Superseded |
1 |
Supersedes |
1 |
Supported by Wikimedia France |
1 |
Taken with AF-S DX Nikkor 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6G VR |
1 |
Taken with BLU LIFE PLAY |
1 |
Taken with Canon Digital IXUS 120 IS |
1 |
Taken with Canon EOS 600D |
1 |
Taken with Nikon D3200 |
1 |
Taken with Nikon D5000 |
1 |
Taken with Panasonic Lumix DMC-FX700 |
1 |
Taken with Panasonic Lumix DMC-FZ300 |
1 |
Taken with Samsung S1030 |
1 |
Text logo images that should use vector graphics |
1 |
Translation possible - SVG |
1 |
United Kingdom photographs taken on 2005-02-19 |
1 |
United Kingdom photographs taken on 2007-07-09 |
1 |
United Kingdom photographs taken on 2011-01-21 |
1 |
United Kingdom photographs taken on 2012-07-30 |
1 |
United Kingdom photographs taken on 2016-05-11 |
1 |
United Kingdom photographs taken on 2020-04-06 |
1 |
United States photographs taken on 2013-08-16 |
1 |
United States photographs taken on 2013-10-27 |
1 |
United States photographs taken on 2014-10-24 |
1 |
United States photographs taken on 2016-05-06 |
1 |
Valid SVG created with Inkscape:Logos |
1 |
Video display resolution 320 x 240 |
1 |
Video display resolution 640 x 480 |
1 |
Wikimania 2014 by PierreSelim |