© NBC Television / Public Domain

Photo of Leonard Nimoy as Spock from the original "Star Trek" series used to promote the 1973 animated version.

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   + Black and white photographs of actors
   + Leonard Nimoy as Spock
   + Leonard Nimoy in 1967
   + Men facing right and looking left



Media information:

  • Original datetime: Not dated. w:Star Trek: The Animated Series began airing on Saturday mornings from 10:30-11 AM in the fall of 1973. While most of the original cast voiced the animations, they did not appear on screen. There were no tapings or filmings of it with live actors from w:Star Trek: The Original Series 1969 until the film ten years later. w:Star Trek (film franchise). The photo dates from 1966-1969, which was the time the original series aired on NBC.
  • Upload datetime: 2014-05-09T04:12:48Z
  • Uploader: User:Renamed user 995577823Xyn
  • SHA1: b04aaa93d66c758851859efa68a1c05a991d339c
  • Refreshed: 2024-02-16 19:11:04 UTC

Technical Topics:
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