Brumbies (feral horses) (Equus caballus) in Kosciuszko National Park, New South Wales, Australia.
In this video, the audio has been removed from the original material and sections of it have been removed.
- Scoring:
- + 2 😊 Best
+ 1 🙂 Good
+ 1 🙁 Unsure
+ Horses
Media information:
- Original datetime: 2015-11-23
- Upload datetime: 2018-06-11T03:26:20Z
- Uploader: User:The Nature Box
- SHA1: 77ecd221c9f9dd88446a4f4e7cc8e74bd57b705f
- Refreshed: 2018-08-23 15:12:55 UTC
Technical Topics:
+ CC-Zero
+ Files from external sources with reviewed licenses