© AAPN / CC BY 3.0

Photograph of Elizabeth, a former bile bear, who was kept in captivity so that her bile could be extracted on Huizhou Farm, Vietnam. She was removed from the farm by an animal welfare group and taken to an IFAW sanctuary in South China.

+ 1 😊 Best
+ 1 🙁 Unsure

   + Bear bile
   + Ursus thibetanus in zoos



Media information:

  • Original datetime:
  • Upload datetime: 2014-09-10T03:21:17Z
  • Uploader: User:Innotata
  • SHA1: 2d927bdbe8ee9f9f717aff223c459ba8c4abd9ae
  • Refreshed: 2018-08-23 22:35:35 UTC

Technical Topics:
   + CC-BY-3.0
   + Items with OTRS permission confirmed