© Eckstein & Stähle, Kgl. Hofkunstanstalt, Stuttgart / Public Domain

Illustration of rabbit and hamster from old German educational poster "Garten und Feld (Tafel 9): Hamster (Cricetus frumentarius Pall.) Hase (Lepus timidius L.) skeleton" published by Eckstein & Stähle, Kgl. Hofkunstanstalt, Stuttgart

+ 1 😐 OK
+ 1 🙁 Unsure

   + Hares in art
   + Lepus timidus (illustrations)



  • Artist: Eckstein & Stähle, Kgl. Hofkunstanstalt, Stuttgart
  • License: Public Domain

Media information:

  • Original datetime: 2016-11-14 10:22:18
  • Upload datetime: 2016-11-22T23:00:57Z
  • Uploader: User:Wolfmann
  • SHA1: 06dc56a7d5d5a3d288640f10c3483752a222d860
  • Refreshed: 2018-08-18 18:24:39 UTC

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Subject: Info: Garten und Feld Tafel 9 Hamster (Cricetus frumentarius Pall.) Hase (Lepus timidius L.) skeleton Eckstein & Stähle, Kgl. Hofkunstanstalt, Stuttgart plate.jpg