An example of a Red Eyed White Mini Lion Lop Rabbit. This is Ruskin's Omo, owned by Val Gamble, with his winnings after an LLUK stock show.
- Scoring:
- + 2 😊 Best
+ 1 🙂 Good
+ 1 😐 OK
+ 1 🙁 Unsure
+ 1 ☹️ Bad
+ Mini Lion Lop
Media information:
- Original datetime: 2010-10-15
- Upload datetime: 2012-07-27T01:45:56Z
- Uploader: User:Zashion Stud
- SHA1: 14303f8d99ec841bd23ab09efe6e2d6af07dbc4c
- Refreshed: 2018-08-16 15:50:30 UTC
Technical Topics:
+ CC-Zero
+ Uploaded with en.wp upload wizard