© Miniaturelop / CC BY-SA 3.0

Pet name:QQ Summer, was born on 26 January 2011, England. Breed: miniature lop. The Miniature Lop was recognised by the British Rabbit Council in 1994 (Lop Breed-No.8), with a maximum weight of 1.6kg. It is the smallest of the Lop eared breeds.

+ 4 😊 Best
+ 2 🙂 Good
+ 2 😐 OK
+ 2 🙁 Unsure
+ 1 ☹️ Bad

   + Miniature Lop
   + Pet rabbits



Media information:

  • Original datetime: 2011-06-11
  • Upload datetime: 2011-06-25T05:50:04Z
  • Uploader: User:Miniaturelop
  • SHA1: 7b34a48ae169f77aea053e832d6df2dff772cd02
  • Refreshed: 2018-08-16 15:53:03 UTC

Technical Topics:
   + CC-BY-SA-3.0
   + Self-published work