© Igor Shurenko / CC BY-SA 3.0

This is a photo of a natural heritage site in Ukraine, id: 01-256-5006

+ 1 😊 Best
+ 1 😐 OK

   + Dzhanhul Coastal Aquatic System
   + Foals following their mothers
   + Horses of Ukraine



Media information:

  • Original datetime: 2011-06-13 13:01:45
  • Upload datetime: 2014-05-11T17:40:26Z
  • Uploader: User:Igor Shurenko
  • SHA1: d803d894910d1edd44afb3815cd412ab413dc4d5
  • Refreshed: 2018-08-24 02:33:20 UTC

Technical Topics:
   + CC-BY-SA-3.0
   + Images from Wiki Loves Earth 2014
   + Images from Wiki Loves Earth 2014 in Ukraine
   + Media with locations
   + Natural heritage sites in Ukraine with known IDs
   + Pages with maps
   + Self-published work

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Subject: Info: Біля Джангульського узбережжя 32.JPG