Wishing you a lovely day!!!
When Leafy was born her name just came to me, she is true to it, always off in the deepest woods or greenery...
- Scoring:
- + 2 😍 Cutest
+ 1 🙂 Good
+ 1 😐 OK
+ 2 🙁 Unsure
+ 2 😞 Bad
+ Black and white cat portraits
Media information:
- Original datetime: 2007-08-01 15:59:13
- Upload datetime: 2009-11-02T03:11:44Z
- Uploader: User:Flickr upload bot
- SHA1: 5fb5fb595c5f1c0410860ad9ec1226f1e3c3fc00
- Refreshed: 2017-08-12 16:26:23 UTC
Technical Topics:
+ CC-BY-SA-2.0
+ Flickr images uploaded by Flickr upload bot