My cat feel very wel in a small basket.
And smaller is the basket, more like it the cat.
- Scoring:
- + 2 😍 Cutest
+ 2 🙂 Good
+ 2 😐 OK
+ 2 🙁 Unsure
+ 1 😞 Bad
+ Black tortoiseshell tabby and white cats
+ Cats in wicker baskets
Media information:
- Original datetime: 2003-09-28 09:08:47
- Upload datetime: 2014-08-23T08:52:51Z
- Uploader: User:Isasza
- SHA1: c932a5c1480529d95b5155164cb9624366fb00e6
- Refreshed: 2018-07-23 13:32:49 UTC
Technical Topics:
+ CC-BY-SA-4.0
+ Self-published work