Female tabby cat relaxing after playing with a small fuzzy yarn ball. Photoshopped: slightly lightened shadow level, cropped.
- Scoring:
- + 2 😍 Cutest
+ 2 🙂 Good
+ 2 😐 OK
+ 2 🙁 Unsure
+ 1 😞 Bad
+ Cats on rugs and carpets
+ Playing cats
+ Supine cats
+ Tabby and white cats
Media information:
- Original datetime: 2012-07-29 09:47:49
- Upload datetime: 2014-06-25T01:53:35Z
- Uploader: User:Oldbeeg
- SHA1: 3cca26f6e09fa09c146b975b99d38e0c3b59fdde
- Refreshed: 2020-07-25 20:13:35 UTC
Technical Topics:
+ CC-BY-SA-3.0
+ Self-published work