My cat Chipie playing hide-and-seek under the wardrobe.I suspect she hasn't really understood how the game's supposed to go, I can always spot her when she tries a surprise attack on me.
- Scoring:
- + 1 😍 Cutest
+ 1 🙂 Good
+ 1 😞 Bad
+ Domestic cats
+ Hiding cats
Media information:
- Original datetime: 2008-05-02
- Upload datetime: 2011-07-01T09:04:49Z
- Uploader: User:Perditax
- SHA1: cd7d0200c513db04c43b4eed72094bf2b2d1fe54
- Refreshed: 2017-08-12 18:10:34 UTC
Technical Topics:
+ CC-BY-3.0
+ Self-published work